If version is not in the list, it means that update was done for technical reasons and does not contain any critical changes.
Version 6.115.0Released
New features
Added user roles. More details in the documentation: https://ispsystem.com/docs/x/dwKFE.
Improved display of the options list for a selection item that may have an option width greater than the width of the item itself.
Bundles Ordering bundles and working with ordered bundles has been improved.
Increased the maximum number of characters for an item value in the itemparam table.
Bug fixes
Fixed operation of payer verification forms.
Fixed a bug that in some cases caused extra text to be displayed in table cells with icons.
Fixed an error appearing when an order is placed from an employee account if a client has two-factor authentication (2FA) configured.
Fixed auto-update operation in tables.
The display of options for resetting a value has been returned to the value selection fields.
Fixed authorization error after failed login via social networks.
Version 6.114.1Released
Bug fixes:
Fixed incorrect display of logos if a link is set on the logo.
Fixed display of icons in dashboard tables.
Version 6.114.0Released
Added new ways for developers interacting with the interface to create visual elements. More details in the documentation: https://ispsystem.com/docs/x/sYNpE.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where after saving a filter from global search, an applied filter was edited instead of creating a new one.
Fixed a bug in displaying a notification after a user added a service to the cart during a quick order.
Fixed an issue in which the options list in the storefront of an option selector opens up squashed.
Safari. Fixed incorrect display of the logo in the upper left corner.
Fixed an issue where an error notification was not displayed when entering a non-matching password.
Omnidesk. Fixed bugs caused by exceeding API limits usage.
Fixed problems with highlighting rows in tables during search.
Fixed incorrect display of tooltips for graphs in widgets on the "Home" when they intersect with the ordinate axis.
Adyen. Fixed incorrect payment cancelation.
DCImanager 6. Fixed an error that caused a dedicated server service to be ordered even if there were no free servers available.
Requests. Fixed an issue where employees without full access could not view messages in preview mode.
Fixed key combination for sending a message in queries.
Version 6.113.0Released
New features
Fixed display of tutorial popup next to the useful links icon.
New features
Expanded client verification options. More details in the documentation: https://ispsystem.com/docs/x/LgIFE.
The option to copy the URL for ordering a plan has been added.
Links highlighting when using a table search has been added.
Bug fixes
Fixed incorrect invocation of validation error during group editing.
Fixed text display on mobile devices in the operating system selection component.
Fixed an error in sending notification about approaching the value included in the plan for statistic add-ons.
Fixed an error that caused duplication of items when placing an order from a personal account.
Fixed tooltip display in the popup window next to the useful links icon.
Fixed a bug that caused the table in reports not to be updated when reformulating a query.
Fixed an issue that caused the error field to automatically move to the top of the screen when changing server settings for an active service, regardless of its visibility.
Fixed display of the list of countries in the phone number entry field on the client verification form.
Version 6.112.0Released
New features
Added integration with Yandex Metrics.
New features
Changed the order of the selected option in the dropdown list with a single choice.
Bug fixes
Fixed display of headers in table when window size is changed.
Fixed unnecessary scroll bar appearing in the reports tab in Firefox browser.
Fixed display of invisible reCAPTCHA icon on registration form.
Fixed a bug when generating the “IP Address Type” list could cause inappropriate add-ons to display.
Fixed the username in the email template for opening a virtual or dedicated server with Windows 11.
Fixed a bug that caused the Home tab to close.
Service Ordering. Fixed a bug that caused the color of options in the drop-down list of unavailable dependencies to be displayed incorrectly.
Fixed display of headers when resizing the window.
Fixed hotkeys in dropdown menu with selected options. Removed sorting of selected options in the single-select menu.
Fixed display of invisible reCAPTCHA on registration form.
Version 6.111.0Released
Bug fixes
Adyen. Fixed an issue that occurred when turning off autopayments.
Fixed an issue that could cause an error concerning incorrectly calculated password complexity.
Authorization form. Captcha duplication has been resolved.
SSL Certificates. Fixed HTML tags displaying in the service record under the client's account.
Paymaster. New API support has been added.
Domains. The number of steps to order a domain has been reduced. The domain contact form has been redesigned. The ability to create and use NS provider has been added.
Added a preview of the message to be sent.
Version 6.110.3Released
Version 6.110.0Released
Increased the speed in selection fields and added a button to reset the value.
Improved handling of fields with value selection that can be reset.
New features
Domains. Redesigned and improved domain order form.
Business Intelligence module. Updated internal components, increased performance, fixed bugs. Release date: November 12, 2024.
Added integration with NOWPayments payment tool.
Bug fixes
Fixed an error where the height of the filter popup sometimes did not adapt to the Safari browser window size.
Fixed an issue where the Safari browser would sometimes not display the favicon.
Fixed an error that caused the "Region" field to be displayed incorrectly on the license purchase page.
Fixed positioning of popups in Safari browser when editing empty table cells.
Increased the speed of loading tooltips in tables.
Price fixing. Fixed an error that resulted in failure to delete a fixation.
Brand settings. Fixed the way buttons work for employees with different permissions.
Fixed an error when not scrolling to an incorrectly filled field when attempting to submit a form in the storefront.
Support. Fixed an error that was causing customer ratings to be displayed with a delay.
Fixed a bug that prevented the post rating buttons from updating.
Fixed a bug where it would not scroll to a invalid field when attempting to submit a form on the storefront.
Fixed an issue where the edit window for an empty table cell was incorrectly displayed in the Safari browser.
Safari. Fixed an issue where sometimes the favicon was not displayed.
Fixed duplicate queries for loading hints in a table.
Fixed a bug where the height of the filter popup sometimes did not adapt to the Safari browser window size.
Version 6.109.0Released
Acts. Added the option to select in global settings the act compilation types “Based on post-paid expenses” and “Based on post-paid and paid expenses”.
Tickets. Added preview of the message being sent.
Bug fixes
Employees. Fixed errors during actions with an employee that occurred if the Business Intelligence (BI) module was installed.
Fixed appearance of scroll bar in elements: tree, multi-line text input, table, drawer.
VMmanager 6. Fixed the error in creating the name for the values of the Backup Schedule enumeration that caused problems in the platform interface.
Tickets. Fixed operation of the "Contains text" filter.
Omnidesk. Fixed ticket synchronization when in some cases messages were not sent to Omnidesk or were empty.
Fixed sorting by amount in the Cash Receipts by Payment Method report.
Version 6.108.0Released
New features
Expenses. For the "Split expenses by month" option, added the option to split from the date of service activation. Read more in the documentation: https://ispsystem.com/docs/x/-aMHBQ.
Improved display of large lists on forms.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error that caused the processing module low balance notifications to be sent even if no minimum balance value was set.
Auto-renewal. Fixed the error when activating phone confirmation caused erroneous debiting of funds from the saved payment method without extending the service.
Tickets. Fixed the problem with displaying the message title if it contained emoji.
Markdown. Fixed message formatting errors when using Markdown tickets and Omnidesk.
Support. Fixed memory leak when handling corrupted images in tickets.
Fixed the error occurring when calling some functions with special characters in the name.
Fixed a security bug.
Version 6.107.0Released
DCImanager 6 processing module. Added the option to display the Serial Number column in the table.
Tickets. Added a limit of 256 characters for the length of the subject of the created ticket.
New features
Added module for auto-billing by the bank, configurable on the client side.
Added a tool that allows the employee to merge payers.
DCImanager 6 processing module. Added the option to configure and select RAID when installing an OS in the Dedicated Server service.
Version 6.106.0Released
New features
Added the history of personal accounts to the "Accounts" section in the client list.
Added integration with CloudPayments payment system.
Added the ability to configure integration with Pterodactyl game server management platform. Automation of game server provisioning services is available.
Added personal discount history to the client list.
Service history. Added history of special price.
Improved operation of multiple choice forms: when the form is reopened, the selected options are displayed at the top.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error that occurred when creating filters for lists in employee permissions.
Fixed recalculation of the amount when changing the expense type in the postpaid account creation window.
Fixed the error that occurred when opening the "Traffic as a Service for Dedicated Servers" service after switching to a tariff that does not support this service.
Fixed incorrect behavior of dropdown boxes in table filters.
Fixed incorrect behavior of scroll buttons on the request page.
YooKassa. Fixed a problem with sending a check that occurred when recharging via a saved payment method.
Increased field size for displaying filters in lists on forms.
PayPal. Fixed an error that could cause the data entry window to fail to load when selecting a payment method.
Version 6.105.0Released
New features
VMmanager 6. Added the ability to manage snapshots from the BILLmanager 6 client area.
Improved behavior and display of form fields (slider, select with search, etc.) during group editing.
YooMoney. Added the possibility to return SBP payments.
Bug fixes
Fixed an error in the password recovery form that occurred for users with an active session from the storefront.
Integration with T-Bank. Fixed an error when forming tax rate for check items without tax when sending checks through the payment system.
Shopping cart. Fixed generation of the list of payment methods at purchase, if the client has acts on unpaid expenses.
Fixed an error that prevented downloading files via links from some sections of the web interface.
Version 6.104.1Released
Bug fixes:
Fixed a security bug
Version 6.104.0Released
New features
Added support for Revolut payment method.
Dashboards. Added display of total sum of values on charts.
Bug fixes
Safari. Improved the slider for changing resource values.
Fixed incorrect display of default time when registering a new violation.
Fixed the error that created a commission expense when crediting a payment in another currency using a payment method without commission.
Fixed the error that caused authorization issues in the platform due to inaccessibility of ChangeLog.
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to connect the VMmanager 6 IaaS handler.
Version 6.103.0Released
New features
Payment methods. Updated integration with PayPal Checkout. Added support for recurring payments.
Product type settings. Added the option to enable displaying of the "Copy" button for fields with service parameters.
Improved scrolling in tables.
Service ordering. Improved configuration display for tariffs that are shown in list format.
MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is not used when connecting to a MySQL database version higher than 8.0.34.
Added navigation block on the forms of global settings, tariff creation and editing.
Improved customization of widgets on the dashboard page. Added the option to resize widgets.
DCImanager 6 processing module. Added support for RockyLinux OS.
Bug fixes
Shared hosting. Fixed the error that caused the ISPmanager processing module to assign an incorrect IP address to the service.
Report on clients' statuses. Fixed incorrect display of negative values.
Fixed the problem that caused prices to be incorrectly displayed on the BILLmanager license activation form. Now prices correspond to the region for which the platform is installed.
Webnames. Fixed the error that caused additional parameter values not being generated when ordering domains in the US zone.
Version 6.102.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed display of items in cart after adding an item by quick order.
Fixed incorrect display of text and code editor fields.
Improved display of selected items when navigating the interface using the keyboard.
Fixed incorrect positioning of pop-up error messages.
Reselling. Fixed the error that caused cancellation of a service tariff change not to be synchronized between BILLmanager platforms.
Improved the field for entering the date and time.
Alfa-Bank. Added the option to specify a link for interaction with API.
Added keyboard control of global search.
Fixed the error that caused funds to be allocated to unpaid client charges when paying for a specific order.
Paybox. Added the option to specify a link to interact with API.
Version 6.101.0Released
Online chat. Added automatic enlargement of the message field in chat and setting focus to this field after opening the chat.
Added handling of incorrect keyboard layout in search and option selection fields.
Added the option to export files from the clipboard to a support ticket.
Added handling of Esc key. Now the focus from an element on the form is reset by pressing Esc.
New features
Added support for Markdown in tickets.
Tariffs. Added the option to create filters that will be displayed for the client on the tariff selection page.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that caused the download progress window not to be displayed.
Fixed the problem that caused a quick filter in a table to not be applied if a search was performed.
Fixed incorrect timer operation when repeatedly requesting a code to confirm a phone number.
Fixed the error that caused a group of group edit tabs in the Tasks table to close.
Fixed the problem that caused tables to not display information about the number of all items in a list.
Version 6.100.0Released
New features
Added display of a pop-up window with Changelog. The window will be opened when a provider's employee is authorized in the platform.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that caused a stopped service to not switch to the "Active" status after renewal.
Fixed flickering when switching tabs.
Fixed the problem that caused the filter on the order form to function incorrectly, resulting in some tariffs being hidden.
Cart. Fixed a rare error that prevented a client from renewing services. The error occurred when the client added items with a valid discount to the cart.
VMmanager processing module 6. Fixed the error that caused some virtual machines to fail to synchronize in some cases.
Improved operation of the field where the user needs to select an option from the drop-down list.
Improved operations with tables. Added cascading resizing of columns.
Version 6.99.0Released
Updated the field for writing a message in tickets. The appearance of the file selection field has been updated.
New features
Added the option to authorize employees via Keycloak service.
Interface. Added support of adaptive design for the administrator's area.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error where space was not taken into account when searching in a field with value selection.
Fixed the problem that caused the page to reload infinitely when ordering a service as a guest if a direct link was clicked to the order form.
Fixed the problem that could cause daily service processing to fail to start due to a blocking operation.
Fixed the problem that made it impossible to specify Cyrillic characters in NS for a domain name.
DCImanager 6 processing module. Fixed the error that made it impossible to configure integration if a user's email contained special characters.
Version 6.98.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that could cause text to be deleted from the input field on the support ticket form.
Fixed the error where sometimes it was not possible to edit a long message in a support ticket.
Fixed the problem that caused scrolling inside text fields to not work correctly.
Plesk. Fixed the error that caused the processing module not to be created.
Fixed the problem where column width changes were not saved in tables.
Orders. Fixed the error that caused the transition to the phone verification form after payment no to be performed.
Version 6.97.0Released
New features
Added the option to sell multiple services as a bundle.
Hits log. The default sorting order of entries has been changed.
Added the option to set the minimum amount from which cashback will be accrued.
Increased the speed of transition between different forms in the interface.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem with incorrect item name on the invoice for statistical expenses.
Fixed the problem that caused fields not to be displayed on the form for setting conditions for auto-including clients into a group.
Version 6.96.0Released
DCImanager 6. Added the option to configure timeout for server diagnostic operation in the processing module's parameters.
New features
Added integration with amoCRM. The integration allows synchronization of services, clients and payers between BILLmanager and the amoCRM system.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error that caused an incorrect amount to be invoiced for services with daily withdrawal and active renewal discount.
Fixed display of special characters in the service selection field on the form of creating a support ticket.
Fixed the problem that caused the Home tab in Safari browser version 17.4 to appear blank after switching between internal tabs.
Notices. Fixed the error where clients could not see the details of a notice in the request list.
Fixed the problem that could cause the database to lock when a service is ordered multiple times and there is a discount.
Fixed the error where global search results were not displayed if an employee did not have access to at least one of them.
Version 6.95.0Released
New features
Ordering. Added new settings: choosing whether to display tariffs in the order as a list or in blocks; setup of the display of addons on the tariff card. Interface display has been improved.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that caused the extension of the service from the stop date to be not at full cost if the tariff was with calendar debit and a promised payment was activated for the service.
Reports. Fixed the error that could cause some reports to not display data.
Fixed a duplicate support tickets error that occurred when submitting a form with the keyboard.
Added the option to enable rounding of expense amounts to two decimal places.
Main page. Completely redesigned the admin and client homepage to improve usability.
DCImanager 6. Implemented the function of transferring services between clients for the processing module.
Version 6.94.1Released
Bug fixes:
Fixed table freeze when a large number of tariffs are configured in billing.
Version 6.94.0Released
New features
Added a mechanism for the "Day" payment period that takes into account the time the service was ordered.
Interface. Improved appearance of widgets on the main page, added options to configure and manage widgets.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem where service processing could take longer than usual due to a large number of tasks.
Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Go" and "Filter" buttons in the "Search by IP" tool.
Fixed the problem that could cause constant platform reboots on new installations.
Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Go" and "Filter" buttons in the results of service search by IP address.
Fixed the problem of missing fields for setting the condition of auto-inclusion of a client in a group when changing the condition type.
VMmanager 6. Added the option to specify a bridge for the network interface of a virtual machine.
Bug fixes
Restricted the ability to recover the password from a link of a provider to which the client is not connected.
Fixed the problem that caused a database connection error if the database is used as storage for user configuration files.
Change of tariff. Fixed the error that made it impossible to change the tariff for a service if there was a switch between providers and the tariff change policy required additional payment.
Fixed incorrect display of tooltips in tables.
Fixed the error that caused the list of saved filters not to be displayed on the filter saving form.
Cart. Fixed the problem that caused the price headers in the "Configuration" table on the product card not to be displayed.
Removed the height limitation for the accounts receivable information window.
Fixed the error in the height limit of the overdue accounts receivable window.
Fixed the display of price headers in the tariff configuration in the shopping cart.
Fixed the error where the list with saved filters was not displayed in the modal window of saving a table filter.
Fixed the error where on internal tabs with a table, the tooltip would not appear at the top if there was not enough space at the bottom.
Version 6.92.1Released
Bug fixes:
Improved operation of tables with a large number of configured tariffs.
Version 6.92.0Released
New features
Diadoc. Added the ability to activate the option to specify a machine-readable power of attorney.
DCImanager 6. Added the option to order servers when resources are unavailable.
Adyen payment method. Migration to the current version of the payment system API has been performed.
VMmanager 6 processing module. Removed duplication of the same OS between different processing modules.
Bug fixes
CORE. The acme.sh script has been updated to version 3.0.7.
Ordering. Fixed the error that could cause a c data center service to be ordered without processing modules for the selected tariff.
OpenStack VDC. Fixed an problem that caused an error when connecting a processing module.
Fixed incorrect display of headers in reports.
Fixed transition from storefront to service order form in BILLmanager via showroom.redirect function.
Ispmanager (SSL). Fixed display of alternative validation methods when ordering a certificate.
Addon templates. Fixed duplication of the title in the list of templates.
Tasks. Fixed operation of the filter in the list of tasks.
Support by requests. Fixed error in ordering services.
VMmanager 6. An error in processing configuration update has been fixed.
Fixed the error that caused an extra IP address to be given to the server when manually processing a service.
Version 6.91.0Released
New features
Added English to the storefront page.
New features
Added English language support for the new storefront.
Improved highlighting of matching fragments in search results.
Interface. Improved appearance of drop-down lists.
Services. Added display of data center for ordered services.
VMmanager 6. Added the option to specify a cluster in the tariff settings.
Bug fixes
Domains. Fixed the problem where transfer confirmation code could not be specified when reselling.
Support. Fixed the error that caused a message to be displayed incompletely if there was an emoji in the text.
Fixed an error in processing incoming messages that contained multiple Content-types.
Payers. Fixed the error that caused the payer to connect to several companies when paying.
Tariff change. Fixed the error that caused an expense to be created with an incorrect date when changing a tariff with "Extra charge only, no refund upon downgrade" and "Add funds/refund" policies enabled.
Tariffs. Fixed the error that could cause incorrect information to be stored in the internal tariff name.
Fixed incorrect display and behavior of buttons when changing services in the "Ordered" status.
Fixed incorrect interface display when switching to a client with two-step authentication configured.
Tariffs. Fixed the error that caused incorrect link to tariff ordering if there were several providers.
Fixed the error that caused incorrect information to be displayed in the "Annual turnover (payments)" field of the "Personal accounts" table on the client information editing form.
Ispmanager 6 processing module. Fixed the error that caused additionally ordered IP addresses to not be bound for ispmanager 6 Business.
Fixed the problem that caused the "By client" filter to not be applied immediately.
Cart. Fixed incorrect display of renewal cost for tariffs with calendar withdrawals.
Fixed the problem that could cause a postpaid invoice to be billed with an unavailable payment method.
Telegram. Fixed the error of sending large messages to client requests via Telegram.
Branding. the error that caused an incorrect favicon image to be displayed in Safari browser.
Add-ons templates. Fixed the problem that caused an error while creating an addon template when the user returned to the tariff selection step.
Added processing of the "__localname__" macro on the tariff selection form.
Fixed the error that caused the form to be displayed incorrectly after making a payment.
VMmanager 6. Added display of dedicated IPv6 subnet in the service card and service list.
Branding. Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect favicon image to be displayed in Safari browser.
Version 6.90.1Released
Bug fixes:
Fixed a security bug
Version 6.90.0Released
Domains. Improved building the list with domain selection when transferring or registering a new domain.
Client registration by an employee. Now the default localization language is automatically set on the registration form.
VAT for companies with EU VAT number module. The VAT rate for Germany has been updated from 16 to 19 percent.
Platform behavior has been improved. In case of session loss, the user will be automatically redirected to the authorization form.
Improved the display of fields with a tree.
Bug fixes
Ordering. The tariff card shows the price with tax if it is not included in the price.
Fixed the problem with matching the recipe and the panel license when ordering services.
Shopping cart. Fixed the problem that caused an error of opening the shopping cart. The error occurred when trying to apply a promo code from a promotion for which the "Presence of promo code" condition was deleted.
Ordering. Fixed incorrect display of special price on the service order card.
Order payment. Fixed the error that caused a service contract not to be automatically created when ordering services.
Shopping cart. Fixed the error that caused the information about dependent addons to not not displayed in the cart when ordering additional resources to services.
Diadoc. Fixed the error that caused some acts not to be sent.
Omnidesk. Fixed the problem that could cause customized rules to not work in Omnidesk.
Fixed the error that caused the reCAPTCHA status to not be updated after a failed authorization attempt.
Fixed incorrect display of an error when trying to access a module without having enough permissions to do so.
Quality Control module. Fixed the error that sometimes caused message ratings not to be saved.
Fixed the problem that caused error messages to not be displayed if form fields were filled out incorrectly.
Fixed the problem that caused the request page to not load if navigating through the icon in the top menu.
Fixed the error that caused the "body" field data from the HTML insert to not be displayed on the registration page.
Fixed incorrect behavior when the client switches the current provider on the Main Page.
Fixed the error where not all values were reset on the filter form when the "Clear" button was clicked.
Quality Control module. Fixed incorrect behavior of message minimization.
New features
Promotions. Improved the process of creating and customizing promotions.
Added the LDAP synchronization module.
Version 6.89.1Released
Bug fixes:
Fixed a security bug
Version 6.89.0Released
Client area. Added "top up" line in the balance display.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that could cause some payers to be skipped when generating acts with the "All company payers" type.
REG.RU processing module. Fixed the problem that caused domain not to be imported if the contact name contained the "'" character.
Fixed incorrect display of icons for employee rating. Fixed the problem that caused the Quality Control module to lack the option of employee rating.
Fixed the problem that caused an error notification to continually pop up if a client's user had disabled permissions to the Accounts Receivable Information feature.
Fixed the problem that caused the Virtual Servers section page to freeze.
DCImanager 6. Added display of rack name in the Dedicated Servers table.
TIN Data Autocomplete module. Added the option to set up flexible payer search.
Added the option to specify a template for generating the contract number.
Notifications. Added the option to assign a notification type to a specific gateway.
New features
Storefront. Added the option to create and customize the storefront for each provider. The storefront website has been changed.
Identification. Added the option to identify users using payment methods and authorization methods. Added user identification log.
Version 6.88.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed incorrect link in the "Mailings" table to "Client segment".
Support. Fixed the problem that caused the "User name" header to not appear in the "Service information" block in a support ticket.
Fixed the problem where an incorrect version was displayed in the "Latest available version" field in the "About" section.
Requests. Fixed an issue that caused color highlighting to not work for blocked requests.
Fixed the error that could cause the global search filter to not apply.
Fixed the error that sometimes prevented a user or employee from sending messages in a request.
Fixed the error that caused the loading bar to continue to be displayed after an action was performed.
New features
SSL сertificates. Added ispmanager processing module for selling SSL certificates.
Promotions. Improved user path when creating and editing promotions.
Improved building of the list of tariffs when ordering.
Version 6.87.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that caused the rate group discount to not be applied.
GlobalSign. Fixed the error when reissuing certificate with additional subdomains www, autodiscover, mail, owa.
Fixed the error that caused the transition to the payment system to not take place at the order payment stage.
Addon templates. Fixed the error that caused the id field to be displayed in the addon template edit form.
Fixed the error that made it impossible to order the Traffic for Dedicated Servers service if the client had server services on a manual processing module.
Storefront. Fixed the error that caused the "Edit" button to not work in the shopping cart.
Administrator interface. Added the option to order services for clients.
Version 6.86.1Released
DCImanager 6. Added the Disable IP address change option to the tariff. The option allows to not change the server IP address when ordering and deleting the service.
Interface. The standard mode of table display is changed to the reduced mode.
Interface. Improved appearance of the slider.
Interface. Improved the left menu.
Interface. Added a button to update data on the page.
Improved operation of forms that need to be filled with data.
Interface. Improved display of fields for date and time selection.
New features
Added the option to manage web interface tabs using hotkey combinations.
Support for displaying on mobile devices has been added to the client version of the interface.
Client area now supports mobile view.
Interface. Added support of adaptive design for the client area in BILLmanager.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem where a client could be left with a tab with an unavailable product from another provider after switching between providers.
Fixed the problem that caused list items with global search results to be displayed incorrectly.
Interface. Fixed display of messages in chat with support.
Fixed the problem that caused Global Settings to not display a description of selected options.
Added the option to preview images attached to document domain.
Reports. Fixed an error that caused an extra currency symbol to be displayed in reports.
Fixed the error that caused the tooltip for the Useful Links button not to display.
Fixed the problem that caused the payment transfer form to not display errors.
Fixed the problem that caused the Service Id missing error not to be displayed on the service recalculation form if an incorrect Service Id was specified.
Fixed the error that caused the data center filter to not work if the tariff order limit is exceeded.
Fixed the problem that caused the ticket tab in queries to close if the ESC key is pressed in full screen picture view.
Version 6.86.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the error that occurred in some cases when saving custom settings to the database.
DCImanager 6. Improved the mechanism of dedicated server order processing by DCImanager 6 processing module: after opening or closing a dedicated server service, the list of available tariffs by server configurations is updated for the next order. Fixed the error that caused the server to receive an extra IP address when ordering a service from BILLmanager.
Added the option to flexibly configure user authorization methods within the provider.
Ordering. Improved building of the list of tariffs when ordering a new service.
Version 6.85.0Released
Bug fixes
Panel addresses. Fixed the error that made it impossible to select an IP address with a specified port when adding an SSL certificate.
New features
Google Analytics. Added the option to use GA4.
User settings stored in the files /usr/local/mgr5/var/userconf/billmgr.{ID} have been moved to the database.
Authorization. Added a limit on the number of attempts to enter the two-step authentication code.
Version 6.84.1Released
Bug fixes:
Fixed the problem that caused the payment form to not open in some browsers.
Version 6.84.0Released
New features
Added a module of integration with the Federal Tax Service, which will allow the use of autocomplete data of payers and companies by TIN.
Bug fixes
Old cart. Fixed the problem that caused the service icon not to be displayed.
Ordering. Fixed the error that caused the discounted line to continue to display if you switched to a period without discounts.
Storefront. Fixed the problem that caused tariffs not to be displayed on the order page of a certain product type.
Online chatroom. Fixed the error that caused online chat messages to not go to the inbox if employees were offline.
Reports. Added License Turnover Report to the dashboard under License Details.
Online cash registers. Expanded features and updated settings of online cash registers. New scenarios for issuing and working with receipts have been added. Added the option to create an adjustment of receipt details and change the expense for which the receipt is generated.
Version 6.83.0Released
Bug fixes
Domain registrar nic.ru. Fixed the error due to which a domain with a legal entity contact was not imported.
Fixed the problem that caused a service card to not open if it had many addons with the "Client's choice" type.
Reports. Fixed the error that caused the report not to be saved in CSV format.
Renewals. Fixed the error that caused a double withdrawal for renewal of a stopped service with scheduled deletion.
Mail notifications. Added the option to specify a REPLY-TO header for the notification with the address where to send responses.
New features
Payment methods. Added iyzico.
Version 6.82.0Released
New features
Developer tools. For COREmanager-based products, added the option to write plugins that run in the background.
Tinkoff. The period for checking payment statuses has been reduced to 10 days.
Interface. Legacy interface themes have been disabled.
Bug fixes
Services. Licenses. Fixed the problem that caused the data for the License Renewal Term and Remote ID fields not being saved when editing a service with the License product type. Fixed the error that caused the Remote ID field to be displayed for the client.
Addons. Fixed dependency management for the Operating System addon.
Order. Fixed incorrect display of discount on the tariff selection form.
Menu. The Community Forums section has been removed.
Fixed the error that caused a form with mandatory fields that cannot be filled in to be not sent.
Fixed the error that caused the code editor to not run a page search.
Version 6.81.0Released
New features
Added the "Backup" product type and the "Acronis Cyber Backup" processing module.
Bug fixes
Order. Fixed the problem that caused incorrect display of the service cost per day if the minimum order period was set in the tariff.
Branding. Fixed the description of logo image requirements.
Services. Fixed an error occurring when going to the service settings from the order page.
Fixed the error that caused incorrect date to be displayed in the notification about upcoming deletion of a service with activated promised payment.
Fixed the problem that caused the DaysToRecurringPaymentForAutoprolong parameter responsible for extending a service through SPMs (saved payment methods) to be disregarded.
Storefront. Fixed storefront operation in the dragon interface.
Cart. Fixed the error that caused services to not return to the cart after deleting a payment.
Version 6.80.0Released
The opening of the list of payments with a large number of records has been accelerated.
Improved the mechanism for hiding and displaying fields with value selection on the form.
Changed caption display for the form fields: now captions are displayed on top of the field.
Bug fixes
EPP registrars. Fixed the problem that occurred when trying to change NS servers.
Fixed the problem that prevented a service card from opening if there were wildcards in the internal service name.
Fixed an error that caused the filter form to not close when navigating to a new tab.
Fixed the error in setting option values on the Terms of Use creation form.
Removed erroneous display of multiple selections in dropdown lists.
Version 6.79.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the error, due to which activation of "DisableCart" option in the configuration file led to disappearance of support, notifications and cart icons in the upper menu.
Deferred payment. Corrected an error which caused changing additional service parameters with a deferred payment to trigger a service renewal operation instead of a resource change operation.
Storefront. Fixed the error that left a button in the storefront to return to the old interface.
Interface. Updated icons for product types.
GlobalSign. Added the option to set up additional subdomains www, autodiscover, mail, owa under separate billing.
GlobalSign. Added the option to specify an organization's TIN for Extended Validation Certificate and Organization SSL.
Version 6.78.0Released
New features
Redesigned the wizard for the initial configuration of the platform.
Added previews of images in the support chat.
Added the Print version button to tables and reports.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error that caused duplicate values of some cells in the lists when searching.
Fixed incorrect display of error notification.
Fixed errors in group editing.
Changed the display of tooltips to fields on the data entry form.
Added a tooltip for full display of long item names in the interface.
Improved display of pages without data.
Improved displaying of tables with missing data.
Improved elements of the filters management interface for fields with the option to select values from dropdown lists.
Version 6.77.0Released
Edited the mechanism for ISPsystem technical support access to the platform.
New features
Ordering. The service ordering process has been redesigned and improved.
Provider groups. Added the option to create provider groups and set up rules for registration and authorization of clients.
Added data uploading module for Law Enforcement Support System.
DCImanager 6. Added the option to collect and display Netflow statistics.
Bug fixes
Openstack VDS. Fixed the problem that caused a login error.
Version 6.76.0Released
Bug fixes
Reports. Fixed the error that caused the "Report on services provided in data centers" to not be created in csv format if there was a space in the provider's name.
SSL Certificates. Fixed duplication of items on the SSL certificate order form when selecting the auto-renewal period.
Code editor. Fixed incorrect display of the button for switching to full screen editing mode.
Omnidesk. Fixed the error that could cause fields not to be displayed on the custom field edit form in integration settings.
Version 6.75.0Released
Bug fixes
Expense creation. Fixed the error that made it impossible to select a service when manually creating an expense if the current interface localization was different from the default one.
Shopping cart. Fixed the error that caused the limit on the number of times a promo code can be used to be disregarded.
Payment. Fixed the error that made it impossible to pay for the order from the personal account if there was debt.
Reselling. Fixed the problem that caused errors during reselling on AlmaLinux 9 OS.
VAT module. The mechanism of VAT number validation was updated.
New features
Added the BI analytics module.
Version 6.74.0Released
Improved platform performance: improved performance under heavy load, reduced number of calls to the database and reduced time required to load tables. Added the option to create task queues in the VMmanager 6 processing module.
The loading speed of the page with the authorization form in the platform has been reduced.
Reduced the platform loading time, now only those language localizations are loaded that are configured for the user.
Bug fixes
Telegram. Fixed incorrect operation of Telegram support bot on Alma Linux OS.
New features
Interface. Changed the display of the banner containing important information messages and warnings.
Version 6.73.0Released
Notification templates for opening of "Dedicated Server" and "Virtual Server" services have been updated to function correctly with Windows 10.
Improved the display of pop-up notifications containing a lot of information.
New features
Order payment. Redesigned and improved the payment process when ordering services.
Bug fixes
cPanel. Fixed the error where stopping a service would cause the domain to be deleted.
DCImanager 6. Fixed the problem that caused tariffs that were unavailable due to lack of free servers to be displayed when ordering the service.
Fixed the error which allowed adding an order to cart via API when "Quick order" option was disabled in the tariff.
Fixed clearing of the filter fields.
Fixed incorrect behavior of the password form when sent by Enter.
Fixed the display of tooltips.
Fixed incorrect display of the drop-down list for fields with time selection.
Version 6.72.0Released
DCImanager 6. You can now disable the IPMI setup in your tariff plan after deleting the service.
Omnidesk. Added receiving and processing automatic notifications from Omnidesk.
Employees. Added new icons for additional parameters in the list of employees.
Updated the appearance of the toolbar.
Bug fixes
Cart. Fixed the error that caused items to disappear from the cart when paying.
SSL certificates. Fixed the error, because of which the Confirm button did not work for employees with incomplete permissions.
GlobalSign. Fixed the error that incorrectly specified the type of an additional domain, which is not a subdomain of the main domain, when ordering a certificate.
SSL certificates. Fixed the error that allowed ordering an SSL certificate with an API request that did not correspond to the tariff settings.
AlmaLinux. Fixed the error that occurred when adding registration blocking by email address domain.
Expense. Fixed the error that caused the expense creation form to freeze.
SSL Certificates. When ordering a certificate, the fields "Organization" and "Department" are now limited to 64 characters.
List of services. Fixed incorrect display of additional parameters of the product type.
Payment. Fixed the error that caused the service not to be processed when paying for the order.
Fixed the problem that incorrectly triggered limitation on number of IP addresses when changing tariff for virtual server with several addresses.
Orders. Fixed the error which caused incorrectly displayed message about waiting for confirmation for client verification.
Fixed the error that caused the page for group editing of several tariff plans to not open.
Payment. Fixed the error, because of which the Recipient field value was not reset when the payer was changed.
Fixed the error that caused the pie chart not to be displayed in the operations log.
Fixed the error that caused the table filters not to update when navigating through the tabs from the side menu.
Fixed setting the focus for elements in the filter form after selecting a value.
Fixed switching of filters in the left-side menu when adding a tab to favorites.
Fixed incorrect behavior of multiple choices in dropdown lists.
Fixed incorrect display of tables in Safari browser.
Fixed the problem that caused a duplicate tab to open to show an error filling fields in user settings.
Version 6.71.0Released
Interface. Changed the side menu collapse button.
Fixed incorrect behavior of pop-up notifications.
New features
Cart. The interface has been redesigned, and the functionality of the cart has been improved and expanded.
Bug fixes
Autobilling. Fixed the error that prevented paying for services without auto-renewal and left the money on the balance of the personal account.
OnlineNIC. Fixed the problem with the action date occurring during domain synchronization.
Fixed the error that caused an extra request to be sent when switching from the admin account to the client.
Fixed the problem where the Favorites section of the side menu had unnecessary items.
Fixed incorrect display of values in fields with multiple selections.
Interface. Fixed incorrect behaviour of pop-up windows.
Fixed the problem that caused the status of the options of the displayed columns not to change in the table settings.
Fixed incorrect display of headers in tables.
Fixed the problem that was blocking keyboard navigation through text in data entry fields.
Payments. Fixed the error, due to which when the payer or payee changed, the tax in the unpaid payment was not recalculated.
Reselling. Improved the synchronization mechanism for deleting/stopping services.
GlobalSign SSL certificates. It is now possible to re-validate a domain by email for selling and reselling BILLmanager.
The mechanism of giving access to ISPsystem support has been changed to improve security.
Improved the function of links.
Version 6.70.0Released
New features
Added the option to log in by phone number.
Bug fixes
The link to the documentation was revised according to the product version in the "Help" section.
Fixed the error that caused the country code to not change in the phone number input fields.
Fixed the error that caused an incorrect message to be displayed after evaluating a ticket from an email.
Dragon interface. Fixed the error, because of which the quick filter by performer was not applied to tasks.
The product type "ISPsystem licenses" has been renamed to "Licenses".
Version 6.69.0Released
Bug fixes:
Payments. Fixed the operation of the filter by the client in the list of payments of another client.
Version 6.68.1Released
Bug fixes:
Payments. Fixed the "Order already paid" error, because of which the client was unable to pay the issued invoice without a set payment method.
Version 6.68.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the error when an extension to a service whose auto-renewal failed to complete successfully was added when paying for the cart.
Fixed the error where using a large number of filters would cause the platform to reboot.
Version 6.67.0Released
New features
Payment methods. Added Alfa-Bank payment method via the Fast Payments System (SPB).
Global search. You can now use the global search to find a client, user and payer by name or email address when entering data of three characters or more.
Bug fixes
Billing. Fixed the error that could cause the automatically generated invoice to include services for which the planned expiry date has not yet arrived.
Fixed the error that made it possible to pay for an order more than once.
Fixed repeated appearance of the same notifications on network error or login.
Fixed the error that caused the number of queries in the header not to be updated if the last query was deleted.
Version 6.66.0Released
The BILLmanager logo has been changed to the New Year version.
Tables. The compact display mode is now applied to all tables.
Traffic as a service. Added the option to connect the traffic service to a hosted server.
Improved the interface for filter management.
Bug fixes
DCImanager 6 processing module. Fixed the problem that caused DCImanager to change the server owner when closing the service in case of a diagnostic error. Fixed the problem that caused the owner of a DCImanager server to change when opening a service in case of an OS installation error.
Extra resources. Fixed the error that incorrectly calculated the service renewal cost.
Telegram modules. Fixed the problem that caused a freeze when saving user settings.
Fixed the error that could cause SSL certificate not to be renewed.
Fixed wrong font in the interface.
Fixed the error that made the icon in the fields to be filled faile to press the first time.
Fixed a security error.
Fixed incorrect behavior of dropdown lists and calendar when scrolling the form.
Fixed incorrect display of message headers.
Forms without text fields are now sent by pressing Enter.
Fixed incorrect selection of values in tables with deleted rows.
Version 6.65.3Released
Bug fixes:
Telegram. Fixed freezing of user settings.
Version 6.65.1Released
Bug fixes:
Certificates of completion. Fixed the error that occurred when opening the list of certificates in the client area.
Version 6.65.0Released
Bug fixes
Offer. Fixed the error that caused the offer to be displayed incorrectly when creating a payer.
Additional resources. Fixed the error that caused the cost to be calculated incorrectly when changing integer resources with the scale type "By value options".
Update to BILLmanager 6. Added the option to automatically upgrade to the new version of the platform through the interface.
New features
Added the ability to work with overdue accounts receivable.
Added support for AlmaLinux 9.
Mailings. Added the ability to schedule mailings by time.
BILLmanager 6 Corporate. Promotions. Added a cashback to reward clients.
Version 6.64.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that could cause the side menu to display products not available to clients.
Domains. Fixed the problem that caused an incorrect price to be displayed when ordering a domain.
Time zone. The time zone set in the user settings is now taken into account when displaying the time.
Fixed the error which caused the trial service or service with a day period ordering page not to open if the link was used to navigate to it.
Fixed incorrect display of repeating error notifications.
Fixed incorrect displaying of tooltips.
Version 6.63.0Released
Bug fixes
Services. Fixed recovery of deleted services.
Automatic invoicing. Fixed the error that caused automatic invoicing to incorrectly calculate the cost after changing the auto-renewal period.
Suggest an improvement. In the main menu, the link to the "Suggest an improvement" service has been fixed.
Fixed the error that could cause the service edit form to open empty.
Fixed the error that prevented the list of imported domains from being cleared.
BILLmanager 6. Added the option to customize interface colors.
Version 6.62.0Released
SSL certificates. Added notifications when re-issuing or renewing the SSL certificate.
ResellerClub. Added support for domains in .AIRFORCE, .ARMY, .APP, .DEGREE, .DEV, .ENGINEER, .GIVES, .LAW, .MARKET, .MORTGAGE, .NAVY, .PAGE, .REHAB, .SOFTWARE, .VET, .VOTE, .VOTO.
Bug fixes
Backups. Fixed the problem that caused the panel to pause when starting a backup.
Service renewal. Fixed the error that caused the service to not renew when resources changed on the day of the shutdown.
DCImanager 6. Fixed the problem that caused statistics collection to stop if there was an error in one of the services.
Tinkoff. Fixed an error that made it impossible to create an autopayment when the receipt sending via payment method was enabled.
Robokassa. Fixed payment with Qiwi.
PayPal Payments Standard. Fixed the error which caused the payment status to remain "Credited" in BILLmanager when a client returned money through a dispute in PayPal.
Fixed incorrect display of the number of queries in the page header.
Fixed the error that could leave buttons inactive during form validation.
Fixed incorrect displaying of tooltips.
Fixed the error that caused message templates not to be displayed when creating a new ticket.
Version 6.61.0Released
Bug fixes
Refusal of additional resources. Fixed the error that could cause a client to get a refund for refusal of free resources.
Change of service resources. Fixed the error that caused the resource management policy to be disregarded for some resources after a client order.
Fixed incorrect display of balance.
QIWI P2P. Now the "referrer" parameter is sent when opening a payment form.
Fixed the error that caused ISPmanager license not to be renewed together with virtual server renewal.
GDPR. Clearing client data now deactivates saved payment methods and ends all active sessions.
Fixed erroneous appearance of page translation popup in Google Chrome.
Fixed the error that appeared when switching tabs in tables.
Improved display of table headers.
Fixed the error that could cause the tariff plan creation form to open repeatedly.
Improved navigation and highlighting of elements in tables.
Fixed incorrect behavior of the drop-down list in the service tariff plan change form.
Added support for Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7.2.
Domains. Added import of NS's when importing services for REG.RU and WebNames processing modules.
Yookassa. Added the SBP payment method.
WebNames. Added support for com.ru domains.
Version 6.60.0Released
Bug fixes
Fixed the error that caused to return to the first step when pressing "Enter" in step-by-step forms with data filling.
Fixed the error that caused the list of available domains not to be displayed when ordering a domain name.
Fixed incorrect behavior of the phone number input field when ordering domains.
Fixed incorrect display of balance.
Improved the display of the drop-down list in the table settings.
Fixed the error that caused empty tooltips to be displayed.
Fixed the error that caused the form header for group operations to be displayed incorrectly.
Version 6.59.0Released
New features
BILLmanager 6. Added support for Astra Linux Common Edition OS release "Eagle".
Added the ability to change table display mode.
Bug fixes
Requests. Fixed filtering by author in the request list.
Fixed a security error.
Dragon theme. Fixed scrolling on Main and Help pages.
Version 6.58.0Released
BILLmanager 6. Improved the behavior logic of elements with a tree structure.
Bug fixes
Fixed the error which caused BILLmanager clients to select an incorrect interface language in VMmanager 6.
Fixed the VMmanager 6 processing module. Fixed the error, due to which BILLmanager did not assign IP addresses for virtual machines.
VMmanager 6 processing module. Fixed the error which prevented changing an IPv6 subnetwork prefix when it was changed in BILLmanager.
Fixed a security error.
Fixed the error that caused selected columns to be displayed incorrectly in the table settings form.
BILLmanager 6. Fixed error behavior when loading a file with user's avatar.
Version 6.57.0Released
Tariffs. Added an option to specify a tariff expiration date for all types of products, except for domains and SSL certificates.
Bug fixes
Fixed the problem that occurred when changing the tariff of the service.
Balance. Fixed display of balance for clients on the main page.
Version 6.55.0Released
New features:
Virtual servers. Added module OpenStack (VPS).
Version 6.54.0Released
Bug fixes
Telegram. Fixed the error that caused the user settings form to freeze.
Fixed the error that caused duplicate acts after editing payments.
DCImanager 6 processing module.Now when a server is released, its ports, except those connected to the VLAN, are automatically moved to the VLAN if it is specified in DCImanager.
System configuration. Added automatic disabling of technical support access after 7 days, if it was not disabled manually.
Version 6.52.0Released
Tariff. Added tariffs archiving.
Version 6.51.0Released
New features
Referral programs. Added an option to automatically connect new clients to a referral program.
Support. When a request is deferred, the responsible person is recorded in the history.
Support. Now autosave in requests works separately for each user.
Version 6.50.0Released
Bug fixes
1C. Fixed the error that occurred when downloading acts of acceptance with information on contracts.
Fixed the problem that caused the control panel to freeze when deleting users.
Fixed the problem that caused the control panel to freeze when deleting users.
Version 6.49.0Released
Employees. The "Access settings" section is added for editing; the "Activity" column and the "Logout" button, which allows you to end an active session, have been added to the list of employees.
Social networks. Added the possibility to disable the selected social network.
New features
Product types. Added the possibility for each provider to set its own product type name.
Version 6.48.0Released
Bug fixes
Dragon theme. Fixed opening the password form for backups that do not require a password.
Contracts. New types, changes and improvements in contract handling.
New features
Promotions. Added the ability to top up the balance with a certificate.