Terms of use is a set of documents regulating the usage of client personal data by a provider. The full kit of the existing terms and conditions is available in the section Personal data → Terms of use.
There are four types of conditions:
- Privacy policy;
- User agreement;
Conditions on administrator side
You can edit condition parameters in Personal data management → Terms of use → select conditions → button Edit:

Condition type — type of usage condition. It can have one of the following values:
- Privacy policy — if a client agrees with this condition, he/she accepts the Privacy policy of the provider;
- User agreement — if a client agrees with this condition, he/she accepts the User agreement of the provider;
- News notifications (marketing) — if a client agrees with this condition, the system activates subscription to marketing newsletters which will be sent over email;
- SMS notifications (marketing) — if a client agrees with this condition, the system activates subscription to marketing news notifications which will be sent over SMS.
Document name — localized name of the condition (document). It is shown in the full list of existing conditions of use.
Document URL — the full address of a web resource hosting the document describing the condition.
Condition description — localized description of the condition. It can be shown for the selected forms: options "Show on registration form" and "Display after login".
Effective date — date of when the document comes into legal force. The condition will not be available to clients until the document has obtained the legal force.
Localization — shows localization available for the given document.
Client must agree — this checkbox will appear on the registration form. It will be impossible to finish registration in BILLmanager without enabling this checkbox.
Show on registration form — this checkbox will be shown on the registration form. It will be active and blocked for editing if the checkbox "Client must agree" is enabled.
Display after login — this checkbox will be shown to registered users during their first authorization after any changes have been applied to the Privacy policy. It will be active and blocked for editing if the checkbox "Client must agree" is enabled.
The billing system records the operations related to personal information in Personal data → Log:
The log contains the following information:
- operation type (consent or denial);
- username;
- IP-address from which the operation was performed;
- operation date and time.
Settings on the user side
Forms after registration
After the service provide modifies the privacy policy settings, activates all the conditions, and the sets the "Display after login" option, they will be shown to registered clients after the first login to the Client area.
Information about collection and processing of personal data
In Client → User settings section the client can view a list of documents that describe collection and processing of his personal data and the consent log. He can submit a support ticket to request restriction of use or deletion of his personal data from the billing system.