On the Billing → Payments tab you can view a list of payments.

In this section you can:
- view the payment status;
- effect payments by using the Pay button;
- print the payments;
Payment status
- New — the invoice is issued, but not paid;
- In progress — transaction confirmation awaited from the payment gateway;
- Paid — the payment has been credited;
- Refunded — the payment has been refunded;
- Canceled — payment was not confirmed by the payment gateway;
- Fraudulent — the payment gateway marked the payment as fraudulent.
Filter by payment
The filter by payment is in the upper right corner of the table.

You can filter the data in the section by the following parameters:
- id — payment id;
- Payment number;
- Payer;
- Payer ID's;
- From — display credited payments created since the specified date;
- Till — display credited payments up to and including the specified date;
- Payment method;
- Status;
- Terms of comparison.
How to change the subject of the invoice
The subject of the invoice is indicated automatically. If you order a service, the invoice will contain its name (for example, DCImanager 6 Hosting). If you are just topping up your balance, the invoice shows the Advance payment for software.
If you need to edit the wording, contact support via the client area.
To see information about funds debited from the account for ordering goods and services, enter Billing → Expenses.

Filter by expense
The filter by expense is in the upper right corner of the table.

You can filter the data in the section by the following parameters:
- id — expense id;
- Service ID — id of the service for which the expense was created;
- Name — name of the expense;
- Created from date — display expenses from the specified date;
- To — display expenses up to and including the specified date;
- Amount comparison type — to display the expenses that satisfy the selected condition.
You can get all the necessary documents electronically in your client area.
Invoices are located on the Billing → Invoices tab.

In this section, you can view a list of acts, print them, and track their status.
Closing documents are issued as of the last day of the month to cover the expenses for that month.
During the first few days of the month, invoices appear in the client area under Billing → Invoices.
How to get documents
When creating or setting up a Payer (Client → Payers), specify the method of receiving documents:
- in the client area;
- by post;
- by email.

If you select "By post", you will receive the original documents by Russian Post to the address you specified in the Payer settings. Documents are sent once a quarter.