Beginning in January 2017 Google Chrome will mark all web-sites, which do not use SSL certificates for data encryption when sending private data. This information was published last week in the browser’s developers blog.
This will help users be sure that their email addresses, passwords, credit cards, and other sensitive information are securely protected.
Browser’s developers say that they will label all HTTP connections as non-secure even if web-sites do not pass private data of their users.
Use Let's Encrypt for free
We would like to remind you that all ISPmanager users can set up integration with Let’s Encrypt, a popular service that issues free SSL/TSL certificates. It will help you easily set up secure HTTPS connection for your web-project. Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit. Read more about Let's Ecnrypt
We don’t recommend using Let’s Encrypt certificates for e-commerce because they're domain validated. This type of certs provide only minimal level of clients trust. You can purchase a certificate with higher trust level (OV or EV) on the SSL certificates page.
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