VMmanager Knowledge Base

How to sign in to the platform with a key?

You can give a user temporary access to the platform with a key. For example, you may need this to provide access to the technical support staff. To generate a key:

  1. Create a user in VMmanager for temporary access.
  2. Connect to the server with VMmanager via SSH with superuser permissions.
  3. Enter the command:

    docker exec vm_box curl -X POST http://input:1500/auth/v4/user/<user_id>/key -d '{}' -H 'internal-auth:on'
    Comments to the command

    In response, you will get the message in the form:

    Example of response
    Comments to the response

The user will be able to log in to the platform via a link in the following format: https://domain.com/auth/key/<key>


The key is valid for one hour.