VMmanager Knowledge Base

If the VMs status is "Suspended"

If a cluster node does not have enough resources (for example, RAM or disk space), the platform can suspend some VMs on this node. Such VMs are displayed in the platform interface with the status "Suspended".

To restore suspended VMs:

  1. If necessary, increase the resources of the cluster node. For example, free up disk space or increase RAM.
  2. Connect to the cluster node via SSH.
  3. Get a list of suspended VMs: 
    virsh list --state-paused
    Example output
     Id    Name                       State
     335   3101_blue-gray_succinite   paused
     402   3309_violet_topaz          paused
     448   2145_warm_essonite         paused
     490   3546_violet-blue_kunzite   paused
  4. For each VM in the list, run the command: 
    virsh resume <vm_name>
    Comments to the command