If you need to delete an XML document that is passed to libvirt while creating or editing a virtual machine, you can use our handler that is processed on the last step before the XML is sent to libvirt. You can add a plug-in and edit the XML description according to your needs.
The handler name is editxml
Input parameters:
- vmi - OS template name (for version 5.22 and later)
- hostnode - ID of the cluster node where the virtual machine is located
XML for libvirt is located in the /doc/outxml tag
VMmanager also read the XML from the /doc/outxml tag
Handler example
Add the pm (Power management) tags into the XML
<suspend-to-disk enabled='yes'/>
<suspend-to-mem enabled='yes'/>
For OS template "SlitazOs" find all virtual disks with the "block" blcok type and change caching into "writeback"
Create a description file for your handler and put it into the /usr/local/mgr5/etc/xml directory
The /usr/local/mgr5/etc/xml/vmmgr_mod_pm.xml file:
<handler name="editxml_pm.py" type="xml">
<event name="editxml" after="yes"/>
We will also need the editxml_pm.py script, which should locate in /usr/local/mgr5/addon
The /usr/local/mgr5/addon/editxml_pm.py file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Contents of VMmanager session in the form of an XML-file
sesXmlContent = sys.stdin.read()
ses = ET.fromstring(sesXmlContent)
# Retrieve an OS template name
vmi = ses.find("./vmi").text
# Retrieve the cluster node ID
hostNodeId = ses.find("./hostnode").text
# Original xml of the virtual machine
domainXmlString = ses.find("./outxml").text
domainXml = ET.fromstring(domainXmlString)
# Retrieve the virtual machine name
domainName = domainXml.find("./name").text
#Edit the xml only for SlitazOs
if vmi == "SlitazOs":
# Add the tag <pm> (Power Management)
pm = ET.SubElement(domainXml, "pm")
suspendToDisk = ET.SubElement(pm, "suspend-to-disk", {"enabled": "yes"})
suspendToMem = ET.SubElement(pm, "suspend-to-mem", {"enabled": "yes"})
# Search for all connected disks
disks = domainXml.findall("./devices/disk")
for diskNode in disks:
# Get a virtual disk type (file, network, block, volume)
diskType = diskNode.get("type")
# Edit only for "block"
if diskType == "block":
# Set the caching type "writeback"
driver = diskNode.find("driver")
driver.set("cache", "writeback")
# Generate the output XML
newDomContent = ET.tostring(domainXml, "UTF-8")
ses.find("./outxml").text = newDomContent
# XML output
sys.stdout.write(ET.tostring(ses, "UTF-8"))
For the /usr/local/mgr5/addon/editxml_pm.py file you need to set start permissions:
chmod +x /usr/local/mgr5/addon/editxml_pm.py
Restart VMmanager:
killall core
You will see the following record in vmmgr.log
Dec 9 06:48:45 [15118:1] action EXTINFO Register event 'editxml_pm.py' for action 'editxml'
This add-on is ready to use. Now, when you edit a virtual machine, our add-on will process and modify its XML.
In order to regenerate XML of the virtual machine without editing it in the control panel, execute the following request:
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m vmmgr vm.redefine elid=<VM_ID>