
Get started with COREmanager!

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Universal operational principles

All ISPsystem's software products are developed on the COREmanager framework. Once you understand behaviour and specificity of some of the software modules, you can be sure that other modules work in the same manner. A universal web-interface facilitates development and use of products and solutions, and improves reliability of new sofware.

Extend functionality as you wish!

Using the framework's functions you can add new functionality and change products' behaviour. Write modules in your favourite programming language - PHP, Perl, Python or even Bash. C++ provides the most flexible development options.

Create a unique product!

Although our software solutions can fully automate hosting business, some clients may want to add specific functionality. Explore a wide range of ready-to-use COREmanager features to create a one-of-a kind software solution that will suit the specific needs and requirements of your business.

Concentrate on business logic

COREmanager delivers the most common software functions, such as cross-platform web-server, framework for developing new web-interfaces and reports, database and configuration files management functions, access privileges management system, events, API, and much more.

COREmanager is a free framework

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