06 September 2018 Reading time: 1 minute

New features in BILLmanager


Starting from version 5.166.0 BILLmanager supports VMware vCloud Director 9.0. For more information please refer to this guide. Also, we now support import of virtual machines from VMware vCloud for the Virtual server service.

Domain name management. You can specify default name servers for provider’s services. Our new user interface allows a client to choose name servers specified by his service provider (5.166.0).

In BILLmanafer 5.167.0 administrators can generate invoices for their clients in ClientsPayments. In earlier versions of the billing panel the administrator has to drill down to the client account to make a payment.

Starting from version 5.168.0 the billing system shows information about the current balance of your domain or SSL registrar account. This helps avoid issues that may occur if you have insufficient funds for reselling domain names or SSL-certificates.