Support of HTTP/2, free Wildcard SSL from Let’s Encrypt and other news in our Digest!
Free Wildcard SSL from Let's Encrypt

In previous versions you could not use free Let's Encrypt certificates for protecting subdomains. If you had not only "", but also "", you had to issue two certificates. Now you can get only one Wildcard certificate. And it is still free!
On March 14 Let's Encrypt released ACMEv2 which allows to issue Wildcard certificates. We introduced support of ACMEv2 in ISPmanager 5.147.0.
Changes in software products

ISPmanager. Support of HTTP/2 on CentOS 7 and Debian 9 (5.146.0).
BILLmanager. Description of tariff plans. A new feature allows to use Markdown-formatting when describing a tariff plan. (5.146.0)
DCImanager. We modified the mechanisms for displaying and collecting statistics (5.143.0). Introduced support of Cisco C4500X. (5.114.0)
Useful articles in our blog
Head of marketing finished the series of articles about analytics in BILLmanager and Google Analytics. We are happy to share our knowledge how to spend less and earn more.
ore articles that may be interesting for you: