30 January 2019 Reading time: 1 minute

ISPmanager installation on AWS instances made easier


Starting from version 5.187 we simplified ISPmanager management behind the NAT. Now you install ISPmanager Lite on AWS and Digital Ocean instances without manual setup of the configuration files.

NAT (Network Address Translation) is the process of translation of private IP addresses into public ones. Normally private IP addresses are allocated to instances of such cloud services as AWS and Digital Ocean. You have to configure them to be able to work behind the NAT, otherwise no one can access the websites created on the instances from the outside.

In earlier versions of ISPmanager, you had to modify the configuration files manually. Now the control panel defines a local network, and offers to set up the redirect by specifying IP addresses.

Update your control panel to version 5.187.0 or later. For more information please refer to the article NAT configuration.