We have the pleasure of informing you that ISPsystem will take part in the largest and most important event of the internet industry - WHD.global, which will be held through April 1-3 in Rust, Germany.
ISPsystem will be presented at its own booth. Every visitor at our booth will get branded gifts and watch demo-versions of our control panels. Moreover, You can get technical assistance and sales consultations directly from our skilled staff.
We would like to let you know that Igor Chekushkin, CEO, will deliver the report “Server deployment and infrastructure management".
To learn more about the WHD timetable visit the site www.worldhostingdays.com
Being the Gold Partner, we would like to provide our clients with a FREE code SM31VQU to register online for WorldHostingDays. The free online registration for the world’s largest hosting event WHD.global is closing on March 14, 2014 at 6 pm CET. Seize the last chance and secure your free attendance now!
We would be glad to meet you at our booth.
See you at WHD.global in Germany!!