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Errors list

Error codeInterface messageBrief descriptionPossible solutions


Unhandled exception occurred during processing your request

An unexpected error occured while executing the request.

Contact technical support.


Unexpected ErrorAn error has occurred that cannot be recognized by the platform.Examine the logs of the service that was accessed when the error occurred.


User not foundThis error occurs in the auth_v3 authorization service when performing an operation with a user that is not in the service database.Check if the user to which the service is connecting exists. Create one if necessary.


User already existsThe account has already been created in the platform.

Select a different email as the username.


Access denied

The auth_v3 service executes a request with a session that does not have enough permissions to execute the request.

Perform authorization with an up-to-date token.


Trustee user already existsThis error occurs when trying to create a second trusted user.Clear the database and repeat the installation.
5100Range has an intersection with the other oneThe address space of the IP address blocks overlaps.Change the block settings so that they do not overlap.
5101Net has an intersection with the other oneThe address space of the networks overlaps.Change the settings of the networks so that they do not overlap.
5102IP-address has an intersection with the other oneThe IP addresses are the same.Specify a unique IP address.
5200Invalid IP net should be address/maskIncorrect network format.Specify the format as address/mask.
5201Ip address does not belong to netThe IP address does not belong to the network.Specify the IP address that belongs to the network.
5202Gateway does not belong to netThe gateway does not belong to the network.Specify the gateway address that belongs to the network.
5203Locked IP-address could not be removedA blocked IP address cannot be deleted.Disable IP address blocking.
5204There are some addresses in the net that won't remain the new oneSome of the busy IP addresses do not fall into the new range.Specify the IP addresses included in the new range.
5205Could not delete net with busy/locked addressYou cannot delete a network with busy or blocked addresses.Release or unblock IP addresses.
5206IP address reserve as range not supported should be address or address/maskAn IP address or network must be specified in address/mask format.Check that the data entered is correct.
5207Public userspace could not be deletedThe public namespace cannot be deleted.
5208IP range does not belong to any networkThe IP address does not belong to any network.Specify the IP address that belongs to the network.
5209IPv6 block prefix cannot be changedThe IPv6 address block prefix cannot be changed.
5300Not enough free IP in the poolThere are not enough free IP addresses in the pool.Increase the pool or release any unused addresses.
5301Invalid prefix valueThe prefix is specified incorrectly.Specify the correct value of the prefix.
5401Invalid integration data with IPmanager 5Incorrect data for integration with IPmanager 5 specified.Check that the settings are correct.
5404Another migration process is already runningThe migration process is already running.Wait for the migration process to complete before starting the next one.
8002Server not foundCalling a nonexistent server or an entity that is associated with it. Specify the id of an existing server or change the entity binding in the database.
8003Ipmi not foundThe connection to BMC is not found.

Change the connection to BMC to an existing one.

8050Rack is not in this locationThe rack is in a different location.Select a rack in the same location.
8051Ipmi not connected to serverBMC is not connected to the server.Add a BMC connection to the server.
8052Ip not assigned to serverAn IP address is not assigned to the server.Assign an IP address to the server.
8053Ip not allocatedNo IP address is allocated.Allocate an IP address.
8054Location cannot be removedThe location cannot be deleted.Delete all equipment in the location and repeat the deletion.
8055Location still being createdThe location is still being created.Wait until the location creation is complete.
8056Location check failedError when checking the location.Check access to the location and repeat the operation.
8057Dhcp interfaces not setThe DHCP interface is not installed.Select the DHCP interface in the location settings.
8058Location does not have such interfaceThe location has no interfaces.Reconnect the location. If the error persists, check the network settings of the location server.
8059Location is already being set upThe location is already being set up.Wait until the location setup is complete.
8060Location does not have such addressThe location does not have an IP address.Specify the IP address in the location settings.
8061OS template on location is not OKProblems with OS templates on location.Re-select the templates in the location settings. If the error persists, check network connections and log contents.
8062Switch port already in useThe switch port is already in use.Select a different port.
8065Unit already in useThe unit is already in use.Select a different unit.
8066Location status is not OKThe status of the location is different from OK.Check the status and settings of the location.
8067Operation is running on the serverThe operation is already running on the server.Wait until the operation is complete.
8068No running operationsThe operation status cannot be retrieved because there are no running operations.
8069PDU port already in useThe PDU port is already in use.Select a different port.
8071PDU does not have such portPDU does not have the specified port.Select an existing port.
8072Unit number is out of rangeThe unit number is larger than the rack size.Select a unit within the size of the rack.
8073Limit exceededThe limit on the amount of equipment has been exceeded.Increase the amount of equipment in the license settings or remove unused equipment.
8074Platform cannot be removedThe platform cannot be deleted.Delete servers with this platform, then repeat the delete operation.
8075User already existsThe user already exists.Check uniqueness of the user's email
8076Access for server deniedAccess to the server is denied.Check the user's permissions.
8077Access for ip deniedAccess to the IP address is denied.Check the user's permissions.
8078Access for operation deniedAccess to perform the operation is denied.Check the user's permissions.
8079Wrong operation typeIncorrect type of operation.Specify the correct type of operation (diag for diagnostics, rescue for recovery, or os for OS installation).
8080Chassis is not in this rackThe chassis is not in this rack.Select a chassis in the required rack.
8081Server does not have such paramThe server does not have a slot parameter.Do not specify the slot parameter.
8082Blade server does not have such paramThe blade server does not have a unit parameter.Do not specify the unit parameter.
8083Chassis slot already in useThe chassis slot is already in use.Select a different chassis slot.
8084Chassis slot number is out of rangeThe chassis slot number is larger than the rack size.Specify the slot number within the rack size.
8085Blade server size must be whole numberThe size of the blade server must be an integer.Specify an integer for the size of the blade server.
8086Vlan already existsThe VLAN already exists.Check the uniqueness of the VLAN id.
8087There are some interfaces in the location VLANYou cannot delete the VLAN because it is used by devices.Remove all used addresses from the VLAN and repeat the delete operation.
8088Invalid platform typeIncorrect platform type.Choose a different platform.
8089Invalid IP address protocol versionIncorrect IP protocol version.Selects the IPv4 or IPv6 version.
8090Uplink port can not change connection. Remove uplink state firstYou cannot change the connection for the uplink port.Select a different switch port.
8091Can not edit port that works in uplink modeYou cannot edit a port that is used as an uplink.Select a different switch port.
8092Service port can not change connection. Remove service state firstYou cannot change the connection to the service port.Select a different switch port.
8093There is no such connection typeIncorrect connection type.Specify the correct connection type.
8094ISO image status is not OKProblems with the ISO image.Check the ISO image file, try uploading again.
8095Access for iso image deniedNo access to the ISO image.Check the user permissions and file permissions of the ISO image.
8096The template does not support this raid typeThe template does not support this type of RAID.Select a different template.
8097Recipe already existThe script already exists.Check the uniqueness of the script name.
8098User access deniedThe user is denied access.Check the user's permissions.
8099Has no access to recipeNo access to the script.Check the user's permissions.
8100Invalid ip creation parametersIncorrect IP address creation parameters.Check that the parameters are correct.
8101Failed to process auth settingsError processing authorization settings.Check the authorization settings and repeat the operation.
8102Invalid family prefixIncorrect network prefix.For IPv4, specify a prefix of at least 26; for IPv6, specify a prefix of at least 65.
8103Invalid vlan rangeIncorrect VLAN value.Specify a correct VLAN value.
8104Vlan identifier out of rangeIncorrect VLAN id value.Specify a VLAN id from the range allowed in the location.
8105Invalid range valueThe parameter value is out of range.Specify the correct value of the parameter within the range.
8106Invalid addressIncorrect network address.Check the network configuration.
8107IPMI address was not setBMC address is not specified.Specify the BMC address.
8108Passed invalid format of custom fieldIncorrect format of the custom parameter.Check the format of the parameter.
8109Custom fields for this entity haven't been set upCustom parameters are not supported for this object.
8110Custom field validation errorCustom parameter validation error.Check that the custom parameter is correct.
8111Repository with the same name already existsA repository with that name has already been added.Specify a different name for the repository.
8112There should be metadata.xml in repositoryThe repository must contain a metadata.xml file.Check to see if the file is available.
8113Location OS template with the same name already existsAn OS template with that name is already on the location.Specify a different name for the template.
8114User change in auth service failedFailed to change authorization settings.Check that the settings are correct.
8115Unsupported in demoNot supported in the demo version.
8116License packet is only available for Infrastructure license typeThe resource package is only available for the Infrastructure license.Purchase an Infrastructure license.
8117Activate license packet failedResource package activation error.Check the license settings.
8118Wrong BMC typeIncorrect BMC type.Select BMC Redfish.
8119Some locations have no related warehousesSome locations are not connected to warehouses.Customize the connection of locations to warehouses.
8120Some provided locations do not existsSome locations do not exist.Check the settings of the locations.
8121Some provided warehouses do not existsSome warehouses do not exist.Check the settings of the warehouses.
8122Some locations have no related warehouses for spare parts registeringSome locations are not linked to warehouses for inventory management.Check the settings of the locations.
8123Some provided locations do not exists for spare parts registeringSome locations do not exist. Unable to manage devices.Check the settings of the locations.
8124Some provided warehouses do not exists for spare parts registeringSome warehouses do not exist. Unable to manage devices.Check the settings of the warehouses.
8125Got unsupported time typeUnsupported time type.Specify the Host or Ntp type.
8126Got empty NTP servers URLs listThere is no list of URLs for NTP servers.Specify a list of URLs for NTP servers.
8127Got empty time typeThe time type is missing.Specify the time type.
8128Entity with such name already exists at locationAn object with this name already exists in the location.Specify a different name for the object.
8129Max request size exceededThe file size is too large.Select a file with a size no larger than 16 MiB.
8130Uploaded data MIME type is not multipartThe MIME type of the transmitted file is not multipart.Specify the multipart type for the file to be transmitted.
8132The server warehouse is not in the list of warehouses of the server locationThe warehouse is not in the list of warehouses for the location.Check the warehouse settings.
8200Invalid rack sizeIncorrect rack size.Specify a size from 1 to 99.
8201IntelAMT not connected to serverIntel AMT is not connected to the server.Add a server connection to Intel AMT.
8202IPMI connection with this server already existsConnection to the BMC server already exists.Check the BMC connection settings. If necessary, delete it and create it again.
8203IntelAMT connection with this server already existsConnection to the Intel AMT server already exists.Check the Intel AMT connection settings. If necessary, delete it and create it again.
8204Disk layout is emptyThe disk is is not partitioned.Add disk partitioning.
8205Allow only one partition without sizeThe size can be omitted for only one partition.Specify the size of the partition.
8206Allow only one OS install parameterThere can only be one OS install parameter.Remove the unnecessary install_os sections.
8207Mountpoint can't be used twiceOne mount point cannot be specified twice.Use unique mount points.
8208Only root mountpoint can be without sizeOnly the root mount point can be unsized.Specify the size for the mount points.
8209Port is aggregation participantYou cannot edit a port that is a member of an aggregation.Change the settings of the aggregation itself, not its members.
8210Range does not belong to the networkThe IP address range must belong to the physical network.Select the IP addresses belonging to the physical network.
8211The servers search is already set up for this locationServer auto-adding is already configured for this location.Check the settings of the Server auto-add module.
8212Incorrect OS template typeIncorrect template type for server auto-adding.Specify the serversearch template type.
8213IP address does not belong to the networkThe IP address must belong to the physical network.Select the IP address belonging to the physical network.
8214Deleting the server search setting is already being processedThe server auto-adding settings are already being deleted.Wait for the settings to be deleted.
8215The servers search module is disabledThe Server auto-add module is disabled.Enable the Server auto-add module.
8217Is not Nginx addressThe nginx address is not specified.Specify the nginx address.
8218Disabling the server search setting is already being processedThe server auto-adding settings are already being disabled.Wait for the settings to be disabled.
8219The server search setting is already disabledThe server auto-adding settings are already disabled.
8220Enabling the server search setting is already being processedThe server auto-adding settings are already being enabled.Wait for the settings to be enabled.
8221The server search setting is already enabledThe server auto-adding settings are already enabled.
8222Ipmi pool is not passedThere is no pool of IP addresses for BMC.Allocate an IP address pool for the BMC.
8224Parametr is not setThe required parameter is not specified.Check the contents of the query with the schematics in the API documentation.
8225Server already commissioningThe server is already in service.
8226Invalid server MAC-addressIncorrect server MAC address.Check if the MAC address is correct.
8227Сannot start an operation on a server that has not been commissionedYou cannot run the operation on the server because it is not in service.Put the server into service.
8230User vlans module disabledThe VPU module is disabled.Enable the VPU module.
8231Location has no available vlans in range for allocatingThe VLAN limit has been reached at the location.Delete any unused VLANs.
8232User vlans limit exceededThe VPU limit has been reached.Delete any unused VPUs.
8233User has no access to edit switch port connectionThe user does not have permission to change the port settings.Check the user's permissions.
8234Сannot modify a server that has not been commissionedYou cannot modify a server that is not found via auto-adding or is not in the list of found servers.
8235Ipmi user already existThe BMC user already exists.
8236Can not modify Ipmi administratorYou cannot delete the IPMI administrator under which the integration is configured.
8238Access for OS template deniedNo access to the OS template.Check the template settings.
8239Storage type already existThe drive type already exists.Specify another type.
8240RAM type already existThe RAM type already exists.Specify another type.
8241PCI type already existThe PCI type already exists.Specify another type.
8242Warehouse part barcode already existA device with that name or barcode already exists.Specify a different name or barcode.
8243Warehouse module is not enabledThe Inventory management module is not installed.Install the module.
8244Spare part status is not 'in_server'You can only specify the UUID of a part if it is in the server.Insert the part in the server.
8245Server component is already associated with spare partThe part is already linked to the server.Remove the part from the server.
8246CPU type already existThe CPU type already exists.Specify another type.
8247Warehouse module is not paidThe Inventory management module is not included in your license.Include the module in the license settings.
8248VPU module disabledThe VPU module is disabled.Enable the module.
8249VPU module has been already setuped on the locationThe VPU module is already being configured at the location.Wait until the configuration is complete.
8250VPU module does not setuped on the locationThe VPU module is not configured at the location.Configure the module.
8251VPU network deletion already in processThe VPU network is already being deleted.Wait for the network to be deleted.
8252VPU network status is not okVPU network problems.Check the network configuration.
8253VPU network does not belong locationThe VPU network does not belong to the location.Configure the VPU module at the required location.
8256Cannot use VPU networks from different VLANsYou cannot use VPU networks from different VLANs.Use networks from the same VLAN.
8257Cannot allocate VPU networks from vlan to different serversYou cannot allocate an address from the VPU network to different servers.
8258Main ip should be from VPU networkThe primary IP address must belong to the VPU network.Assign a main IP address from the VPU network.
8260VPU module has settings on locationsThe module cannot be deleted because it is configured at locations.Delete the VPU settings before deleting the module.
8262Wrong VPU network typeIncorrect VPU network type.Select the required network type: for BMC or for servers.
8263There are no free addresses in VPU networkNo free addresses are available in the VPU network.Delete any unused addresses.
8264VPU network has allocated IP-adressesYou cannot delete a VPU network if its addresses are allocated to devices.Disable IP address allocation for servers or BMC.
8265Can not delete VLAN with VPU networksYou cannot delete a VLAN if it has a VPU.Delete the VPU networks before deleting the VLAN.
8266VPU setting has networksYou cannot delete VPU settings if there are networks with that setting.Delete networks before deleting settings.
8267VPU setting deletion already in processThe VPU settings are already being deleted.Wait for the settings to be deleted.
8268Main VPU network should be server typeThe main IP address from the VPU network must be assigned to the server.Assign a main IP address to the server.
8269Server not in exploitationThe server is not in service.Put the server into service.
8270MAC address already existsThe MAC address already exists.Check the uniqueness of the MAC address.
8271New chassis is not in the same locationThe selected chassis is in a different location.Select a chassis from the required location.
8272Chassis slot is not specifiedAn extra slot or chassis parameter is specified.Check the contents of the query with the schematics in the API documentation.
8273Warehouse device limit exceededThe limit of devices in warehouse has been reached.Delete any unused devices or increase the number of devices for the Inventory management module in the license settings.
8274Other spare type already existThis type of equipment already exists.Specify a different type of equipment.
8275Switch not in exploitationThe switch is not in service.Put the switch into service.
8276Parameter must not be nullThe parameter cannot be null.Specify a value for the parameter.
8277Switch has no connection paramsThe switch has no connection parameters.Specify the connection parameters.
8278It is forbidden to change the switch handler type. Type has already been set.You cannot change the switch handler type.Delete the switch and add it again with a new handler.
8279PDU not in exploitationThe PDU is not in service.Put the PDU into service.
8280It is forbidden to change the pdu handler type. Type has already been setYou cannot change the PDU handler type.Delete the PDU and add it again with a new handler.
8281Pdu has no connection paramsThe PDU has no connection parameters.Specify the connection parameters.
8282There is no way to start operation without MAC-addressYou cannot start an operation without specifying a MAC address.Specify the MAC address of the server and restart the operation.
8283Error occurs in check method of async handlerHandler check method error.Repeat the operation or refresh the page.
8284Error occurs in process method of async handlerHandler execution method error.Repeat the operation or refresh the page.
8285UPS not in exploitationThe UPS is not in service.Put the UPS into service.
8286It is forbidden to change the ups handler type. Type has already been setYou cannot change the UPS handler type.Remove the UPS and add it again it with a new handler.
8287Ups has no connection paramsThe UPS has no connection parameters.Specify the connection parameters.
8288Rack view module is not paidThe Rack visualization module is not included in the license.Include the module in the license settings.
8289Rack view module is not enabledThe Rack visualization module is disabled.Install the Rack visualization module
8290Repository has installed location OS templateYou cannot delete a repository if its templates are used in a location.Remove the templates in the location settings before deleting the repository.
8291Entity with such name already existsAn object with this name already exists.Edit the name of the object.
8292Invalid chassis sizeIncorrect chassis size.Specify a correct chassis size.
8293Warehouse name already existsA warehouse by that name already exists.Edit the name of the warehouse.
8294Operation not allowed due to unconfigured DHCP serverServer operation prohibited.Check the location and server settings.
8295Platform size cannot be increased only reducedYou cannot increase the size of a platform if there are servers with that platform.Delete servers with the platform.
8296License packet is already activated. If activated license packet is not listed in settings try to update licenseThe resource package has already been activated.Check the package activation code, update the license information.
8298Not allowed for this type of server searchThe server auto-adding template does not support this type.
8299Such address already existsThe IP address already exists.Specify a different IP address.
8300Such operation template could not be removedThe template is used by the Servers auto-add module and cannot be deleted.Select a different template in the module settings.
8301Entity doesn't have configured custom fieldA custom field has not been created for the object, therefore you cannot delete it.

Query to IPmgr6 failedThe dci_back service request to the ipmgr service failed.  Check the status of the dci_ipmgr_1 container and its services. Check the settings of the "Integration with IPmanager 6" module
8504License expiredThe product license has expired.

Renew the license or update the license information in the platform.

8512Eservice protocol validation failedNo handler was found for this type of equipment.Select an available handler.
8519Start update failedUnable to update the platform.Wait a few minutes for the update to complete. Examine errors in the /opt/ispsystem/dci/install.log log file of the server with the platform.
8520Server main IP bad statusThe status of the server's primary IPv4 address is different from OK or ALLOCATING.Delete and re-assign the primary IPv4 address to the server. Wait for the IP address to become OK and then restart the operation.
8522License update error

Unable to update license information or activate a resource pack.

Check the license status in your client area.


Extra map object not found

The DC map object is not found.

Select an existing object or create a new one.

9502Failed to get update statusUnable to get the update status.Check the dci service status and examine the service log.
9506Failed to get last version

The platform cannot retrieve information about the latest updates.

Check the contents of the CurrentVersion parameter in the file /opt/ispsystem/dci/config.json on the server with the platform.
9519Failed to get stage info from config

The platform cannot retrieve information about the latest updates.

Check the dci service status and examine the service log:


Failed to get changelog info

The platform cannot connect to ISPsystem repository.

Wait until all services have started.


Remote execution error

The platform failed to establish a remote connection to the location.

Check the connection to the location and to BMC.


graphite request error

Error requesting the graphite.

Contact technical support.


Grafana request error

Error requesting the grafana service.

Remove the conflicting net-tools package from the platform server.

22002User existsA user with this email exists.Specify the user's unique email address.
22005Invalid old passwordIncorrect old password.Check that the old password is correct.
22007Required user not found or password is incorrectThe user is not found or the password is incorrect.Check the user's credentials.
22008Token expiration date in pastThe lifetime of the authorization token has expired.Update the authorization token.
22009Token not found or unavailable for current user

The authorization token was not found or is not available for this user.

Check if the user's session is active.
22010Passwords can not be sameThe new password must be different from the old password.Edit the new password.
22015Invalid keyInvalid authorization key.Check that the key is correct.
22016Missed required propertyMissing mandatory parameter in the request.Check the parameters of the request.
220172FA check failedTwo-factor authentication failed.Try logging in again.
22020Failed to generate QR codeFailed to create a QR code.Repeat the operation.
22023Setting is restrictedAccess to configuration is restricted.Check the user permissions to access the configuration.
22027Invalid restriction value please try again.Incorrect restriction setting.Check that the settings are correct.
22030Cannot delete default restriction.You cannot delete a system role.
22032SSH key with such name existsAn SSH key with that name already exists.Specify a unique name for the SSH key.
22035You could switch to only one user at timeYou cannot log in with user permissions more than once in a row.To log in with another user's permissions, first return to your account.
666004           Getting value error from vaultThe licensing service cannot get the contents of the private SSH key or license token from the vault service. Check the availability of the vault service from the licensing service container. Examine the vault service log.


License is expiredThe product license has expired or has not yet started.
  • Renew the license.

  • Wait for the license validity period to start.
  • Update the license information in the platform.