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Known issues

Error: No such container: Failed to create platform_dump


No backup is being created. The command

dci backup

ends in an error:

dci backup
2023/08/04 13:19:06 version 3.23.1
Enter password for backup: 
Read Config ... done
2023/08/04 13:19:07 Initializing backup
2023/08/04 13:19:07 Backuping Database
2023/08/04 13:19:07 Running command 'docker exec -i  sh' with stdin and timeout 1h0m0s
Error: No such container: 
Failed to create platform_dump exit status 1 

The error occurs if the DatabaseType parameter value is missing in the configuration file /opt/ispsystem/dci/config.json. This behavior is typical for early versions of the DCImanager installation script. In case of an "empty" value of the DatabaseType parameter, no backups will be created.


To solve the problem, assign a value for the DatabaseType parameter in the configuration file /opt/ispsystem/dci/config.json:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
  2. Open the configuration file /opt/ispsystem/dci/config.json in any convenient editor.
  3. If the DatabaseType value is empty, write the value "mysql" for it. Thus, the beginning of the configuration file would be as follows:


After that, the backup will be created correctly.