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If you need to reinstall the OS or replace the location server

The instructions are relevant if a separate server is used for the location.

When reinstalling the OS or replacing the location server:

  1. Create a backup of /opt/ispsystem/dci/os_templates/ directory.
  2. Reinstall the OS or replace the location server.
  3. Move the backup copy of the directory to the location server.
  4. If the server IP address has changed, specify a new IP address and password in the location settings.
  5. If the server IP address remains the same:
    1. Change the server IP address to an arbitrary one in the location settings and save the settings.
    2. In the location settings, specify the actual IP address and password of the server.

 DCImanager 6 will connect to the location and make the necessary settings.

If you use templates from ISPsystem repository, you may not move the /opt/ispsystem/dci/os_templates/ directory. In this case the template of each OS will be loaded again at the first installation of this OS on the server in the location.