Two license types exist for DCImanager 6: trial and commercial. The trial license expires in 30 days. After expiry of the trial version, DCImanager 6 will prompt to activate a commercial license to continue.
The procedure of DCImanager 6 license change depends on whether the license token value has changed. If you are moving from trial version to commercial version purchased through the client area, the token will not change. In all remaining cases, the token value will change. For example, if you have purchased a license from an ISPsystem licenses reseller.
If the license token remains the same
After expiry of the trial license, a notice prompting to activate a commercial license will appear in DCImanager 6 interface. After purchasing a commercial license, go to → System information → Update license information to activate it.
If the license token has changed
- Connect to DCImanager 6 via SSH protocol with superuser permission (the default level is root).
In the configuration file /opt/ispsystem/dci/config.json specify the new license token value in LicenseToken.
Example of config.json{"MysqlRootPassword":"password","LicenseToken":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb","DomainName":"","CurrentVersion":"3.2.0"}
Enter commands to re-create dci_auth_back_1 container:
docker stop dci_auth_back_1
docker rm -f dci_auth_back_1
dci start
To check license installation status, enter:
docker exec -it dci_auth_back_1 env | grep TOKEN
In case of successful license change, the response will be in the form: LICENSE_AUTH_TOKEN=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Where - In DCImanager 6 interface, go to
→ System information → Update the license.