06 October 2017 Reading time: 5 minutes

Top news. September 2017


In September we launched a Feature Request service, support of Debian 9 for ISPmanager Lite, and different SSL-certificates for a single IP address in all our products.

Submit improvement requests for ISPsystem products

Our new Feature Request service allows you to request an improvement for our products or vote on an existing idea from other users. The service delivers ratings, convenient search tools, tags and comments. You can send suggestions and check the status of submitted requests.

Learn more

Marketing automation with BILLmanager

Nadezhda Pak, ISPsystem Marketing manager, told us about marketing automation tools in BILLmanager. With these marketing tools, the billing platform will help you increase sales without extra charges. This information may be useful for hosting, VPS, and cloud providers and software vendors as well.

Learn more

Changes in software products

SNI setup. Starting from version 5.124.0 all ISPsystem’s control panels support Server Name Indication (SNI), an extension to the TLS computer networking protocol. SNI allows to issue different SSL-certificates for different domain names bound to single IP address. The feature is supported on CentOS 7, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16.04.

Certificates for control panels. In 2016 ISPsystem introduced support of Let’s Encrypt certificates for domain names. Now you can generate a free SSL certificate for ISPsystem’s control panels. Root user can add a certificate directly from the panel address management module. For more information, please refer to this article. (5.124.0)


Improvements of Let's Encrypt. Two new features are now available in Let's Encrypt module. ISPmanager users can issue certificates for email domains, and use DNS challenge validation. For more information about Let's Encrypt, please refer to this article. (5.123.0)

Support of CAA-records in the “Domains” module. CAA special DNS-record specifies which certification authorities are allowed to issue SSL/TLS certificates. Starting from September 8, all Certification authorities must verify CAA records to make sure that requests for SSL/TLS-certificates are sent by domain owner. The purpose of this decision is to prevent the issuance of rogue or unauthorized certificate. Learn more. (5.121.0)

Email notifications Added new email alert which informs users when they run out of free disk space and mailboxes space. The check starts once in 24 hours. Notifications can be activated for root, each reseller and user. Notifications are sent only to verified email addresses. (5.121.0)

Support of Debian 9. Starting from September, 19 ISPmanager Lite 123.0 Beta supports Debian 9. You can install ISPmanager on the clean server only. We do not recommend upgrading your server with ISPmanager from Debian 8 to Debian 9, for it can result in problems with control panel performance. Learn more.


Payment systems. A number of improvements are made in PayMaster and SimplePay modules. Now these payment systems support refunds. SimplePay supports recurrent payments. (5.123.0)

PDF invoices. “Send invoice” button is added on Admin level of the billing system allowing to email PDF invoices to users. In case of post-paid services, PDF-file will be attached to invoice automatically. (5.124.0)

Restrict client registration. Owners of the billing system can forbid users to register from a specific domain name or IP address. If you specify a domain name, a client with IP address bound to that domain or its subdomain, won’t be able to get registered with you. If you specify a certain IP address or IP subnet, BILLmanager will deny registration from them. This feature can be set up in the “Settings” module. You can add, edit or delete domain names and IP addresses, when needed. (5.123.0)


Intel processors. DCImanager now supports new Intel Gold, Platinum, Silver, Bronze and other processors. A full list of supported equipment can be found in the “CPU list”. (5.124.0)

IPMI proxy via additional server. ISO-images can be mounted on proxy-server. If you use noVNC proxy, this option will allow you to mount  ISO-images from DCImanager to target server via IPMI (provided that IPMI supports this function). (5.123.0)

New partners

New ISPsystem partners in September:

Our partners have discounts on ISPsystem products and free technical support.

Learn more about Hosting Partnership program.



ISPsystem team