DCImanager 6 saves information about the operation of services in log files. The data from log files can be used to diagnose the platform operation. Log files are stored in the /var/log directories of docker containers.
Log files list
Main log files on platform server
The platform installation log is saved in the file /opt/ispsystem/dci/install.log.
The log files of the diagnostics operation are listed in the Diagnostics check article.
The authorization service logs are written to the standard output of the dci_auth_back4_1 container.
Main log files on location server
Working with logs
Copy log file from a container
To copy a log file from the container to the current directory, run the command:
docker cp <container_name>:<path_to_log> ./
docker cp dci_auth_back_1:/var/log/licupdate.log ./
View log files in a container
Enter the required container:
docker exec -it <container_name> sh
Comments to the commandExample commanddocker exec -it dci_back sh
View the log file using standard Linux utilities. For example, cat, tail, less, grep, etc.
Example command: Find out when the switch was polledgrep 'Switch status start' /var/log/dci_switch_1_handler.log
Exit the container:
Viewing log files via stdout
Separate log files are not created for some services. Logs of these services are written to stdout. To view such logs, run the command:
docker logs <container_name> --tail <lines> --since <period>
docker logs dci_consul_1 --tail 100 --since 60m
Collecting platform logs
To collect all the log files of the platform in one directory:
- Connect to the server with the platform via SSH.
Create the bash script getlog.sh with the following content:
#!/bin/bash BEGIN_DATE=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --date '-1 day') SINCE=${1:-${BEGIN_DATE}} /bin/echo "Remove old files" /bin/rm -rf /home/logs && /bin/mkdir -p /home/logs/container && /bin/mkdir -p /home/logs/service && /bin/cd /home/logs /bin/echo "---===Step 1/3===---" DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAMES=`journalctl --field CONTAINER_NAME` CONTAINERS=($DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAMES) /bin/echo "Get logs of the containers" for container in ${CONTAINERS[@]} do /bin/echo "Get log of the container: ${container}" /bin/journalctl --no-pager CONTAINER_NAME=${container} --since "${SINCE}" > /home/logs/container/${container}.log done /bin/echo "---===Step 2/3===---" DOCKER_SERVICES_NAMES=`journalctl --field SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER` SERVICES=($DOCKER_SERVICES_NAMES) /bin/echo "Get logs of the services" for service in ${SERVICES[@]} do /bin/echo "Get log of the service: ${service}" /bin/journalctl --no-pager SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=${service} --since "${SINCE}" > /home/logs/service/${service}.log done /bin/echo "---===Step 3/3===---" ARCHIVE_NAME="logs_$(date +'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S').tar.gz" tar -cvzf /home/$ARCHIVE_NAME -C /home/logs . /bin/echo "Done"
Run the script using one of the commands:
Before collecting logs, the script deletes all files from the /home/logs/ directory.Collect logs for the last daybash getlog.sh
Collect logs since a certain datebash getlog.sh "YYYY-MM-DD"
Collect logs since a certain date and timebash getlog.sh "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
Comments to the commandsThe script:
- Saves container logs in the /home/logs/container/ directory.
- Saves service logs in the /home/logs/service/ directory.
- Creates an archive logs_<current_date>_.tar.gz in the /home/ directory.
Logging in journald
Logging settings
The platform uses the journald system service to collect logs. journald collects logs for all containers except dci_consul_1. You can change the journald logging level; see the related page.
The journald service on the platform server and the location server is configured automatically. The service configuration is saved in the /usr/lib/systemd/journald.conf.d/dci.conf file. If the service has already been configured on the server, the configuration set by the platform will have a higher priority.
Configuration parameters set by the platform:
- Storage=persistent — store files on disk;
- Compress=yes — compress data in logs;
- SystemMaxFileSize=500M — the maximum size of the log file is 500 Mb. When this value is reached, logs are rotated;
- SystemMaxUse=20G — the maximum disk size for storing logs is 20 GB. When this value is reached, older files will be deleted.
Operations with logs
journald saves logs in the /var/log/journal/ directory. You can view the logs using the journalctl utility. Examples of how to use the utility:
journalctl --field CONTAINER_NAME
journalctl -f CONTAINER_NAME=<container_id>
journalctl --field SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER
journalctl -f SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=<service_id>
journalctl --no-pager CONTAINER_NAME=dci_auth_back4_1 --since "YYYY-MM-DD"
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