DCImanager 5 Documentation
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DCImanager at work

This article describes the main objects and sections of DCImanager:

  • control panel;
  • users;
  • locations;
  • racks;
  • servers;
  • server equipment;
  • OS templates.

Control panel

DCImanager is a control panel that allows you to manage hundreds of dedicated servers and take control of the entire data center infrastructure. The control panel is installed on a dedicated server.

For more information about its configuration, please refer to the article Configuration


A user has to sign in to DCImanager to start working in the control panel. There are three user levels in DCImanager: a superuser, administrator, and user.

For more information about users of the control panel, please refer to the article User roles.

Locations and racks

A rack is a standardized frame or enclosure for mounting servers or server equipment. A location is where a server is hosted, for example, a data-center.

DCImanager allows keeping track of servers by grouping them into racks and locations according to real geographical location. For more information about racks and locations, please refer to Locations and racks.


DCImanager allows for automatic server provisioning from ordering to managing an active machine. You can keep up with what you have in stock and track every server, its statuses, and server equipment. Learn more under Servers


DCImanager supports the following types of equipment:

  • IPMI;
  • Intel AMT;
  • Switches;
  • Routers;
  • PDU;
  • UPS;
  • Sensors.

Equipment is connected to servers allowing to manage, control, collect statics and perform many other operations. For more information about equipment management, please refer to the Equipment section. 

OS templates

An Operating system template is a set of disk images and installation scripts consisting of the distribution and other data required for OS installation. Templates facilitate OS deployment on servers.

Moreover, DCImanager allows installing additional templates, such as server search, diagnostics, and recovery templates.

For more information, please refer to the article OS templates.