DCImanager 5 Documentation
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Change the repository from beta to stable

When you change the repository from stable to beta the control panel packages are updated to the version available in the beta repository. When you change from beta to stable, the packages will be updated provided that the version in the stable repository is higher than the installed version. While the installed version is higher than the available one, installation of modules in Integration  → Modules will fail. 

Please note:

  1. Navigate to Settings → System configuration  → Update software automatically and select "do not update.  The current repository in the format  <version>-<repository>, e.g. "5.170.1-beta" will be added into the  /usr/local/mgr5/etc/repo.version file.
  2. When the installed version of the control panel is available in the stable repository, change the repository from beta to stable:

    echo 'stable' > /usr/local/mgr5/etc/repo.version
    /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/licctl fetch dcimgr