DCImanager 5 Documentation
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Move hard drives

You may need to move hard drives if you want to replace a defective server. The operation allows moving network settings and hard drives from the source to the target server. 

Navigate to Tools→ Move hard drives.

The operation includes 3 steps: 

Step 1. Select a source server from which you want to move the hard drive. 

Step 2. Select a target server to move the hard drive. 

Step 3. Confirm the operation. 

Select a source server

  • Select server  — select a server by its name or label. With this option selected you will need to enter a Rack and Servers from the list;
  • Server—  enter the name or label of the source server;
  • Rack — select rack where the server is located;
  • Server — select a source server. The field is displayed only if the Select server option is checked.

Select a target server 

  • Select server  — select a server by its name or label. Then select a Rack and Servers from the list;
    • Server—  enter the name or label of the source server;
    • Rack — select rack where the server is located;
  • Server — select a source server. The field is displayed only if the Select server option is checked.

Confirm the operation 

  • Move only IP addresses — once the operation is complete, the server IP addresses will be interchanged. When you clear the check box, the system will carry out the following operations:
    • Interchange the IP addresses. 
    • Change the Owner, VLAN and Port speed of the target server into the corresponding values of the source server. 
    • Change the Owner if the source server into "Without owner", the Host name into "free.ds", the status into "Server has hardware problems". 
  • Move hard drives  — select the checkbox to interchange the hard drives after the operation is completed;
  • From server  —enter the IP, name, and hostname of the source server;
  • To server — enter the IP, name, and hostname of the target server.