This article describes macros that can be used in the OS installation configuration files. Enable the "Debug" logging level to view the parameter values in the control panel log (by default in /usr/local/mgr5/var/dcimgr.log).
($AFTER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_HTTP) — URL to the script that starts through HTTP after installation;
($AFTER_INSTALL_SCRIPT_HTTPS) — URL to the script that starts through https after installation.;
($AUTH_ID) —unique identifier of the current operation;
($CGI_IPMI_CHECK) — CGI that checks IPMI after configuration. It is used in the diagnostics templates.;
($CGI_MGR_URLv4) — CGI URL that uses IPv4-address;
($CGI_MGR_URLv6) — CGI URL that uses IPv6-address;
($CLEAR_HDD) — clear hard drives. This macro is used in diagnostics templates:
- "YES" — perform;
- any other value — do not perform.
($DCIMINI_URL) — DCImini URL. It is specified for diagnostics, recovery and search templates;
($FINISH) — URL that will be called after installation.;
($FINISHv4) — URL that will be called after installation through IPv4;
($FINISHv6) — URL that will be called after installation through IPv46;
($FULL_HDD_CLEAR) — completely clear hard drives. This macro is used in diagnostics templates:
- "YES" — perform;
- any other value — do not perform.
($GATEWAY) — default gateway;
($GATEWAYv4) — IPv4 default gateway;
($GATEWAYv6) — IPv6 default gateway;
($HDD_RAID) — type of software RAID for configuration. This macro is used in templates that support RAID:
- no_raid — do not configure RAID;
- raid_0;
- raid_1;
- raid_5;
- raid_10.
($HOSTNAME) —hostname;
($HTTPPROXY) — HTTP-proxy. This macro is used for package cache during OS deployment;
($HTTPPROXYv4) — HTTP-proxy for IPv4. This macro is used for package cache during OS deployment;
($HTTPPROXYv6) — HTTP-proxy for IPv6. This macro is used for package cache during OS deployment.;
($INITRD) — file system. This macro is used for PXE-boot;
($IP) — primary IP address;
($IPv4) — IPv4-address;
($IPv4ALIASES) — alias IPv4-addresses (separated by spaces);
($IPv6) — IPv6-address;
($IPv6ALIASES) — alias IPv6-addresses (separated by spaces);
($KERNEL) — Os kernel. This macro is used for PXE-boot.;
($LOCATIONIP) — location IP address;
($MGR_IP) — primary IP address of the control panel;
($MGR_IPv4) — IPv4 address of the control panel;
($MGR_IPv6) — IPv6 address of the control panel;
($MGR_NAME) — a short name of a control panel:
- vmmgr — VMmanager;
- dcimgr — DCImanager.
($MGR_URL) — control panel URL;
($MGR_URLv4) — control panel URL IPv4;
($MGR_URLv6) — control panel URL IPv6;
($MGR_VERSION) — control panel version;
($MIRROR) — OS repository mirror;
($NAMESERVER) — primary DNS-server;
($NAMESERVERS) — DNS-servers;
($NAMESERVERv4) — DNS-server for IPv4;
($NAMESERVERv6) — DNS-server for IIPv6;
($NETMASK) — network mask of the primary IP address;
($NETMASK_SHORT) — network mask in the form of a prefix;
($NETMASKv4) — IPv4 network mask;
($NETMASKv6) — IPv6 network mask.;
($NFS) — a path to the NFS-storage with files for the operation. This macro is specified for diagnostics, recovery, and search templates;
($NFSPATH) — a full external path (including the IP address) to the NFS-storage with files for the operation.This macro is specified for diagnostics, recovery, and search templates;
($NO_ASKING_LABEL) — this macro is used in server search templates. The recovery mode will start in the found server. When accessing the server you can remotely specify the rack, unit, and server label that will be displayed in DCImanager. The value sent to the macros depends on the NoAskingLabel option in the control panel configuration file:
- " " — ask
- "yes" — do not ask;
($NO_ASKING_SERIAL_NUMBER) — this macro is used in server search templates. The recovery mode will start in the found server. When accessing the server you can remotely specify the rack, unit, serial number, and server label that will be displayed in DCImanager. The value sent to the macros depends on the NoAskingSerialNumber option in the control panel configuration file:
- " " — ask;
- "yes" — do not ask.
($OSINSTALLINFO_HTTP) — a URL to get the information for OS deployment through HTTP;
($OSINSTALLINFO_HTTPS) — a URL to get the information for OS deployment through https;
($OSINSTALLINFO_HTTPSv4) — a URL to get the information for OS deployment through HTTPS and IPv4;
($OSINSTALLINFO_HTTPv4) — a URL to get the information for OS deployment through HTTP and IPv4;
($OSINSTALLINFO_SHORT_HTTP) — a short URL to get the information for OS deployment through HTTP;
($PART) — deprecated;
($PASS) — root-user password;
($PASS_CRYPT) — md5 password hash;
($RACKFIND_NOLOGIN) — this macro is used in server search templates. The recovery mode will start in the found server. When accessing the server you can remotely specify the rack, unit, serial number, and server label that will be displayed in DCImanager. To facilitate this operation in the "Server search" module you can enable the automatic authentication option:
- " " — perform;
- "yes" — do not perform.
($SHAREDIR_FILE) — directory URL through HTTP;
($SHAREDIR_FILEv4) — directory URL through HTTP and IPv4;
($SHAREDIR_FILEv6) — directory URL through HTTP and IPv6;
($SMB_PATHv4) — path to the Samba-storage through IPv4. It is used for Windows OS;
($SSHPUBKEYS) — list of SSH keys. The keys are added in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys;
($TIMEZONE) — timezone;
($TMPIPv4) — temporary IPv4 address that will be used during OS deployment::
- "true" — use;
- "false" — do not use.
($WIN_MAC) — a MAC-address that is used to define the primary interface of the server during Windows OS setup.
($WINNTSETUP) — use the WinNtSetup utility. Applies to Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 only. Possible values:
- "yes" — use.