You can add the HDDs to the server as an equipment. To do that, they must be listed in the HDDs types. The configuration of the most popular HDDs is created in the directory by default.
Automatic HDD types creation
DCImanager specifies the server equipment during diagnostics. If the specified HDD type is not matched in the found equipment, a new HDD is created automatically. To find out more, read Server diagnostics.
Manual HDD type creation
Click Types of equipment → HDD → Add.
- Type — HDD interface type for data exchange:
- SAS;
- SSD.
- Size (Gb).
HDD type creation
Click Types of equipment → HDD → Hard disk types → Add.
- Name;
- SMART parameters — parameters, which are used for by server diagnostics. The values of selected parameters are checked during diagnostics of the server with an HDD of the following types:
- Media_Wearout_Indicator — wear rate. It takes values from "0" to "100";
- Offline_Uncorrectable — the number of candidate-sectors for reassignment to the backup area. These candidate-sectors are detected during offline testing, which the disk starts in downtime.
- Current_Pending_Sector — the number of candidate-sectors for reassignment to the backup area;
- Reallocated_Sector — the number of sectors that are reassigned by the HDD to the backup area;
- UDMA_CRC_Error_Count — the number of errors that occurred during passing on an interface cable in UltraDMA mode (or its emulation by SATA hard drives) from the motherboard or discrete controller to the disk controller;
- Seek_Error_Rate — error rate during positioning the magnetic head assembly;
- Host_Writes_32MiB — the number of pages written on the disk by 32MiB.
- Read rate, Mb/sec.