Function: vdc
Result: the list of elements
Virtual data-center
Access level: admin user
- vdcname — Name
- id — Id
- pricelist — Tariff plan
- account — Client
- project — Provider
- datacentername — Data center
- processingmodule — Processing module
- createdate — Creation date
- expiredate — End date
- autoprolong — Auto renewal
- status_msg -
- item_status -
- cost — Price
Result: the list of elements
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- vm_group -
- router — Router
- gateway — Gateway
- mask — Network mask
- network_subnets — Subnet addresses
- network_pools — IP pool
- status — Status
Result: the list of elements
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- cidr — Subnet address
- gateway — Gateway
- status — Status
- status — Status
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Edit subnet
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name. Enter a name for this payment method
- subnet_type — Select the address network interface . Select the address network interface
- pool — Pool . Select the network address from the pool
- mask — Subnet mask. Subnet mask
- cidr — Subnet address . Subnet address
- use_gateway — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Use gateway for this subnet. One of the subnet addresses will be used by the gateway
- gateway — Gateway address. Gateway address which is used for subnet. Leave the field blank if you wan to allocate IP automatically
- use_dhcp — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Use DHCP for this subnet. One of the subnet address will be used by DHCP
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Edit network
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name. Enter a name for this payment method
- vdc_vm_group — Group of virtual servers . Allows to create the network which would be available inside the group of virtual servers only
- create_subnet — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Enables to create subnet during network creation
- subnet_name — Subnet name . Subnet name
- subnet_type — Select the network address . Select the network address
- subnet_pool — Pool . Select the network address from the pool
- subnet_mask — Subnet mask. Subnet mask
- subnet_cidr — Subnet address . Subnet address in the form 'network_address/network_mask'. For example:
- subnet_use_gateway — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Use gateway for this subnet. One of the subnet addresses will be used by the gateway
- subnet_gateway — Gateway address. Gateway address which is used in subnet. Leave the field blank to allocate IP automatically
- subnet_use_dhcp — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Use DHCP for this subnet. One of the subnet address will be used by DHCP
- gateway — Gateway . Gateway
- mask — Network mask . Network mask
- dns1 — Primary DNS . Primary DNS server which is used in network
- dns2 — Secondary DNS . Secondary DNS server which is used in network
- dns_suffix — DNS suffix . DNS suffix which is used in network
- subnet_vdc_router — .
- vdc_router — Connect to the router. The newly created network will be connected to the selected router of the virtual data-center
- vdc_network — Connect to VDC network . Network will be connceted to the selected network of virtual Data Center
- network_pools — .
- network_dhcp — .
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Virtual machines
Function: vdc.vm
Result: the list of elements
List of virtual servers
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- vm_group — Group
- vmtempl — Virtual server template
- ostempl_name — OS template
- external_ip — External IP
- internal_ip — Internal IP
- ncpu_m — CPU
- mem_m — RAM, MiB
- disc_total_m — Disk, GiB
- status — Status
- status — Status
Navigate to the web-console of the virtual machine
Function: vdc.vm.webconsole
Navigate to the web-console of the virtual machine
Access level: admin user
Editing virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- panelid — identifier in the control panel
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
Use the internal value name for the variable: section Product Types → select the product - Parameters button → select the parameter → button Values → column Internal name.
- name — Name. Name of virtual server
- vmtempl — Parameters. Virtual server template
- source — Base object. Select the base object that will be used to create a new virtual server
- ostempl — Operating system. OS template used to create a new virtual server
- vdc_volume — Disk. You can only select a bootable disk that is not used by any virtual server
- vdc_volume_snapshot — Disk snapshot. New disk for the virtual server will be created based on the snapshot
- vdc_vm_snapshot — Snapshot of virtual server. New virtual server will be created on the basis of snapshot
- vdc_vm_group — Group for location. Group for virtual server
- vm_group_name — Group name. Name of virtual server group
- vdc_network — Network. Virtual data center network which the new virtual server will be connected to
- create_volume — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Disk of the specified volume will be created for virtual server
- disc — Disk. Disk volume of virtua server
- ncpu — CPU. CPU number of virtual server
- mem — RAM. RAM given to virtual server
- password — Password
. Virtual server password
- confirm — Re-enter password.
Disk name
Function: vdc.vm.volume
Result: the list of elements
Disks connected to virtual server
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Disk name
- size — Disk size, GB
Connect disk to virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.volume.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm.volume function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm.volume function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- volumelist — Disk name . Name of the disk you want to connect to virtual server
Disconnect disk from virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.volume.delete
Disconnect disk from virtual server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm.volume function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Set filter.
Reboot virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.reboot
Reboot virtual server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Stop virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.suspend
Stop virtual server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Run the forced reboot of the selected VPS
Function: vdc.vm.hardreboot
Run the forced reboot of the selected VPS
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Delete virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.delete
Delete virtual server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Result: the list of elements
Connection to VDC networks
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- network_name — Network name
- ip_address — IP address
- network_subnet — Subnet
- mac — MAC-address
Disconnect virtual server from network
Disconnect virtual server from network
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Add new connection
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- network — Network. Enter the VDC network the virtual server will be connected to
Function: vdc.vm.ip
Result: the list of elements
External IP addresses connected to virtual server
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- ip — IP address
- status — Status
Connect IP address to virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.ip.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm.ip function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.vm.ip function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- iplist — IP address . Enter the IP address you want to connected to the virtual server
- port — Connection port . Enter the port of the server that the external IP address will be connected to
Delete IP from virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.ip.delete
Delete IP from virtual server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm.ip function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Run virtual server
Function: vdc.vm.resume
Run virtual server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.vm function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Disk name
Function: vdc.volume
Result: the list of elements
Disk storage
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Disk name
- size — Disk size, GiB
- externalid — Disk ID
- vdc_vm_name — VPS
- type — Type
- bootable — Boot disk
- ss — Snapshots
- status — Status
Function: vdc.volume.snapshot
Result: the list of elements
Disk snapshots
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- externalid — Snapshot ID
- vdc_volume — Disk
- status — Status
Function: vdc.volume.snapshot.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.volume.snapshot function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.volume.snapshot.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume.snapshot function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume.snapshot function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name. Enter a name for this payment method
Edit disk
Function: vdc.volume.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.volume function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Disk name . Disk name
- type — Type. Disk type
- source_type — Source. Disk creation source
- ostempl — Image . Select the image that will be used for disk creation
- snapshot — Snapshot . Select the snapshot that will be used for disk creation
- size — Disk size . Disk size in GB
- bootable — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Boot disk
Function: vdc.volume.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.volume function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.suspend
Access level: admin
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.resume
Access level: admin
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Set filter.
Virtual data-center
Function: vdc.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- panelid — identifier in the control panel
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- processingmodule — Processing module. Processing module
- autoprolong — Auto renewal. Select a period to automatically renew the service upon expiration
- createdate — Order date . Date when the service was ordered
- opendate — Creation date. Activation date
- expiredate — Expiration date. Validity period
- scheduledclose — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Service will be deleted after paid period
- reboot — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".)
- note — Comment. Enter any information related to the service. It will be displayed only to administrators
- noexpense — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box if you don't want to charge/refund a client if his service resources have been changed
Delete the selected services
Function: vdc.delete
Delete the selected services
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Order a virtual data-center
Function: vdc.order.pricelist
Access level: user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- datacenter — Select a data center. Select a data center where the service will be located
Set a filter by the selected client
Function: vdc.setfilter
Set a filter by the selected client
Access level: admin
Function: vdc.loadbalancer
Result: the list of elements
Lits of balancers
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- externalid — Balancer ID
- vm — VPS
- protocol — Protocol
- port — Port
- method — Method
- monitortype — Monitoring protocol
- delay — Interval, sec
- retries — Attempts
- timeout — Timeout, sec
- status — Status
Edit balancer
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name. Enter a name for this payment method
- subnet — Subnets . Select a subnet
- protocol — Protocol . Select protocol
- port — Port. Select a port. Possible values 1 to 65535
- method — Method. Method of traffic distribution between pool members
- vm — VPS. Virtual servers from the pool
- monitortype — Monitoring protocol . Monitoring protocol type
- delay — Interval, sec. Query interval, in seconds
- retries — Attempts. The number of successful check attempts before the status of the pool member will be changed. Possible values: 1 to 10.
- timeout — Timeout, sec . The maximum waiting time for connection, in seconds
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.vm
Result: the list of elements
Virtual server connected to balancer
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- vm -
- subnet — Subnet
Connect virtual server to balancer
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.vm.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer.vm function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer.vm function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- vm — VPS. Virtual server that will be connected to balancer
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.vm.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.loadbalancer.vm function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.ip
Result: the list of elements
IP addresses connected to balancer
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- ip — IP address
- status — Status
Connect IP to balancer
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.ip.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer.ip function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.loadbalancer.ip function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- iplist — IP address. IP address that you want to connect to balancer
Disconnect IP from balancer
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.ip.delete
Disconnect IP from balancer
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.loadbalancer.ip function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Delete balancer
Function: vdc.loadbalancer.delete
Delete balancer
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.loadbalancer function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router
Result: the list of elements
List of VDC router
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- externalid — Router identifier
- name — Name
- routertempl_name — Configuration
- network — External network
- external_ip — IP addresses
- status — Status
- status — Status
Function: vdc.router.suspend
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.lbp
Result: the list of elements
List of pools
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- description — Description
- members — Pool members
- service — Services
- port — Ports
- monitor_port — Monitoring port
- method — Method
- interval — Interval
- timeout — Timeout
- status — Status
Delete pool
Function: vdc.router.lbp.delete
Delete pool
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.lbp function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Pool parameters
Function: vdc.router.lbp.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.lbp function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.lbp function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name . Name of the load balancer pool. It can contain only the Latin alphabet letters, digits, a dash, underscore, and must start with a letter
- description — Description . Enter any information related to this pool
- uri — Accessibility check URI . URI for HTTP availability check
Tunnel name
Function: vdc.router.vpn
Result: the list of elements
IPSec VPN tunnel management
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Tunnel name
- connection_type — Connection type
- local_ip_address — Local IP address
- peer_ip_address — External IP address
- network_local — Local networks
- network_peer — External networks
- encryption_protocol — Encryption protocol
- status — Status
- status — Status
IPSec VPN tunnel parameters
Function: vdc.router.vpn.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.vpn function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.vpn function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name. Enter a name for this payment method
- description — Description.
- connection_type — Connection type . Select a connection method of the IPSec VPN tunnel
- vdc_router_peer — Router . Select a router of the virtual data-center that the IPSec VPN tunnel will be configured
- vdc_network_local — Local networks . Local networks connected to the router
- vdc_network_peer — External networks . External networks connected to the router of the virtual data-center
- peer_cidr — External networks . External networks that the IPSec VPN tunnel is configured for. Supported format: address_network/mask, space separated. For example:
- local_endpoint — Local connection point . Router interface that will be used for VPN connection. Select the "Public IP address" check box if you want to use public IP address for connection
- local_endpoint_use_public_ip — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".)
- peer_endpoint — External connection point . Router interface that will be used for VPN connection. Select the "Public IP address" check box if you want to use public IP address for connection
- peer_endpoint_use_public_ip — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".)
- local_id — Local ID. Local ID IPSec VPN tunnel
- peer_id — External ID. External ID IPSec VPN tunnel
- peer_ip_address — External IP address . Address of the external connection point
- encryption_protocol — Encryption protocol . Connection encryption protocol
- shared_key — Encryption key . Encryption key. You can use the Latin alphabet letters and digits. The key length must be from 32 to 128 characters long
- mtu — MTU . Enter the maximum package size that will pass through the IPSec VPN tunnel
Function: vdc.router.vpn.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.vpn function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.vpn.suspend
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.vpn function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.vpn.resume
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.vpn function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.lbs
Result: the list of elements
List of servers
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- description — Description
- ip — IP address
- vdc_loadbalancer_pool_name — Pool
- service_name — Service name
- service_port — Service port
- service_persistence — Method
- status — Status
- status — Status
Function: vdc.router.lbs.suspend
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.lbs function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Delete server
Function: vdc.router.lbs.delete
Delete server
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.lbs function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Server parameters
Function: vdc.router.lbs.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.lbs function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.lbs function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name . Enter the name of the load balancer server. It can contain the Latin alphabet letters, digits, a dash, underscore, and must start with a letter
- description — Description . Enter any information related to this server
- vdc_network — Network . Select the router network the load balancer will be activated for
- ip — IP address . IP address of the load balancer server
- pool — Pool . Pool of the load balancer parameters
- use_log — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Activate logging of the traffic going through the load balancer server
Function: vdc.router.lbs.resume
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.lbs function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.firewall
Result: the list of elements
Delete router Firewall
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- name — Name
- source_desc — Source
- destination_desc — Destination IP
- protocol — Protocol
- policy — Policy
- status — Status
- status — Status
Function: vdc.router.firewall.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.firewall function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.firewall.suspend
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.firewall function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Edit Firewall rule
Function: vdc.router.firewall.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.firewall function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.firewall function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name . Rule name
- protocol — Protocol . Select a protocol the rule will be applied to
- source — Source . Traffic source. Possible values: IP address, CIDR, range of IP addresses, "any","internal" and "external". You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- source_port — Source port . Source port. You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- destination — Destination IP. Traffic destination IP. Possible values: IP address, CIDR, a range of IP addresses, "any","internal" and "external". You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- destination_port — Destination IP port . Destination IP port. You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- policy — Policy. Set traffic policy
- use_log — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box to log traffic associated with the rule
Function: vdc.router.firewall.resume
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.firewall function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.interface
Result: the list of elements
Router interfaces
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- externalid — Router interface identifier
- network — Network
- subnet — Subnet
- fixedips — IP address
- type — Interface type
- status — Status
Inventory module settings
Function: vdc.router.interface.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.interface function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.interface function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- subnet — Subnet . Subnet that the router will be associated with
Function: vdc.router.interface.param
Access level: admin user
Delete the selected interfaces
Function: vdc.router.interface.delete
Delete the selected interfaces
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.interface function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.resume
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.dhcp
Result: the list of elements
Delete DHCP router
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- network — Data-center network
- ip_range — IP range
- default_lease_time — Default lease time
- max_lease_time — Max lease time
- status — Status
Function: vdc.router.dhcp.suspend
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.dhcp function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.dhcp.resume
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.dhcp function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.dhcp.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.dhcp function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Edit IP range
Function: vdc.router.dhcp.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.dhcp function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.dhcp function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- vdc_network — Data-center network . Select a data-center the DHCP range is activated for
- ip_range — IP range . Select a range that IP addresses will be allocated from
- default_lease_time — Default lease time . Enter the default time for IP address lease
- max_lease_time — Max lease time . Enter the maximum lease time for the IP address
Edit router
Function: vdc.router.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name . Enter a name for this payment method
- routertempl — Configuration . Router configuration
- external_network — External network . External network that the router will be connected to
- use_dhcp — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Enable DHCP for router
- use_firewall — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Enable Firewall for router
- firewall_policy — Default policy . Default policy for packages
- use_vpn — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Enable VPN for router
Delete the selected routers
Function: vdc.router.delete
Delete the selected routers
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.nat
Result: the list of elements
NAT router management
Access level: admin user
- id — Id
- network — Data-center network
- rule_type — Rule type
- original_ip_range — Source IP/range
- original_port_desc — Source port
- translated_ip_range — Translated IP/range
- translated_port_desc — Translated port
- protocol — Protocol
- status — Status
Function: vdc.router.nat.suspend
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.nat function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Function: vdc.router.nat.delete
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.nat function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Edit NAT rule
Function: vdc.router.nat.edit
Access level: admin user
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.nat function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of vdc.router function).
- elid — unique identifier (id element of vdc.router.nat function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successfull operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- vdc_network — Data-center network . Select data-center network the NAT rule will be applied to
- rule_type — Rule type . Address translation type. SNAT — translates outgoing requests going from the internal network, DNAT — translates incoming requests going to the internal network
- description — Description . Enter any information related to this rule
- protocol — Protocol . Select the protocol the NAT rule will be applied to
- original_ip_range — Source IP/range . For the SNAT rule enter an internal IP-address or IP range, for DNAT — an external IP-address or IP range. You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- original_port — Source port . Source port. You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- translated_ip_range — Translated IP/range . For the SNAT rule enter an external IP-address or IP range, for DNAT — an internal IP-address or IP range. You can enter a specific value or select it from the list
- translated_port — Translated port . The translated port. You can enter a certain value or select it from the list
Function: vdc.router.nat.resume
Access level: admin user
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc.router.nat function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Synchronization of service with VDC objects
Function: vdc.sync
Synchronization of service with VDC objects
Access level: admin
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of vdc function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Drill down to User panel
Drill down to User panel
Access level: admin