BILLmanager 6

Processing module. DCImanager 6

Integration between BILLmanager and DCImanager 6 allows a service provider to offer dedicated servers to his customers. 

After a client orders a service, BILLmanager sends the API request to DCImanager 6 to create the dedicated server. The service is activated in BILLmanager (its status is changed into "Active") after the server preparation process is completed. 

To configure integration with DCImanager 6, create a data center and connect the processing module.

We recommend enabling the "Confirmation by email" option for reliable client verification: ProviderGlobal settingsClients verification → Confirmation by emailAfter registration.
Pools must be configured before setting up integration in DCImanager 6. Read more inIntegration with BILLmanager.

How to create a data center

A data center created for integration with DCImanager 5 is not suitable for integration with DCImanager 6. 

For correct operation of processing module, create a DCImanager 6 managed data center in BILLmanager:

  1. Go to IntegrationData centersAdd.
  2. Enter a data center Name at your discretion.
  3. Enable DCImanager 6 managed data center feature.
  4. Specify DCImanager 6 Location ID, from which servers will be provided when ordered.
  5. Specify the Sorting order.
  6. Press Ок.


Integration is configured in the process of creating a service processing module in BILLmanager.

To create a service processing module, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → click Add. The processing module adding wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Product type: select "Dedicated server".
  2. Processing module: select "DCImanager 6".
  3. Integration settings. Specify the data for integration:
    1. URL — domain name or public address of DCImanager 6 server.
    2. Username — DCImanager 6 administrator's email.
    3. Password — DCImanager 6 administrator's password.
    4. By server type — disable this option so that if there is no server with the ordered configuration, the handler will find a server with the most similar configuration and create a task for the responsible department for manual processing. The option can be enabled or disabled only if there are no tariff plans for the handler.
  4. Processing module parameters. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service processing module:
    1. Data center — select the data center in BILLmanager to which the processing module will be connected.
    2. Name — specify the name of the processing module to be displayed in the BILLmanager interface.
    3. Department — select the department to which tasks from the processing module will be assigned.
    4. Sort — specify the processing module’s priority. If more than one processing module is connected to a tariff plan, the processing module with the lowest priority is selected first when creating the service.
After server configuration has been changed on DCImanager 6 side, we recommend to launch the processing module configuration update on the BILLmanager side manually: Integration Processing modules Config.

Processing module parameters

To configure the processing module parameters, go to IntegrationProcessing modules → select a module → Parameters button → select a parameter → Edit button.  

Available parameters:

  • diagtimeout — timeout for performing the diagnostics operation, min. Possible values: from 1 to 720;
  • installtimeout_linux — timeout for installing Linux family OS, min. Possible values: from 1 to 720;
  • installtimeout_windows — timeout for installing Windows OS, min. Possible values: from 1 to 720.
Timeouts specified in the processing module parameters are applied only when executing requests from BILLmanager. When running operations from the DCImanager 6 interface, timeout values are determined by DCImanager 6 settings.

Module operation

Changing service statuses

If a service is in the "Active" status in BILLmanager and the corresponding server is turned off in DCImanager 6, the billing platform will turn it on.

If a service in BILLmanager has the status "Stopped" and in DCImanager 6 the server is turned on, the billing platform will send a request to turn off the server.

Stopping a service

When a service is stopped, DCImanager 6 will shut down the switch ports to which the server is connected. The service will not be stopped if the switch ports are not specified in the server settings.

Deleting a service

When you delete a service, the integration module performs the following actions:

  1. Enables the switch ports to which the server is connected.
  2. Turns on the server if it is turned off.
  3. Stops an operation on the server if it is running.
  4. Removes IP addresses from the server configuration.
  5. Deletes the owner of the DCImanager 6 server.
  6. Runs diagnostics with the disk cleanup option.
  7. Shuts down the server.
  8. Turns off the switch ports to which the server is connected.