Integration between BILLmanager and DCImanager 6 allows a service provider to offer dedicated servers to his customers.
After a client orders a service, BILLmanager sends the API request to DCImanager 6 to create the dedicated server. The service is activated in BILLmanager (its status is changed into "Active") after the server preparation process is completed.
To configure integration with DCImanager 6, create a data center and connect the processing module.
How to create a data center
For correct operation of processing module, create a DCImanager 6 managed data center in BILLmanager:
- Go to Integration → Data centers → Add.
- Enter a data center Name at your discretion.
- Enable DCImanager 6 managed data center feature.
- Specify DCImanager 6 Location ID, from which servers will be provided when ordered.
- Specify the Sorting order.
- Press Ок.
Integration is configured in the process of creating a service processing module in BILLmanager.
To create a service processing module, enter Integration → Processing modules → click Add. The processing module adding wizard consists of the following steps:
- Product type: select "Dedicated server".
- Processing module: select "DCImanager 6".
- Integration settings. Specify the data for integration:
- URL — domain name or public address of DCImanager 6 server.
- Username — DCImanager 6 administrator's email.
- Password — DCImanager 6 administrator's password.
- By server type — disable this option so that if there is no server with the ordered configuration, the handler will find a server with the most similar configuration and create a task for the responsible department for manual processing. The option can be enabled or disabled only if there are no tariff plans for the handler.
- Processing module parameters. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service processing module:
- Data center — select the data center in BILLmanager to which the processing module will be connected.
- Name — specify the name of the processing module to be displayed in the BILLmanager interface.
- Department — select the department to which tasks from the processing module will be assigned.
- Sort — specify the processing module’s priority. If more than one processing module is connected to a tariff plan, the processing module with the lowest priority is selected first when creating the service.
Processing module parameters
To configure the processing module parameters, go to Integration → Processing modules → select a module → Parameters button → select a parameter → Edit button.
Available parameters:
- diagtimeout — timeout for performing the diagnostics operation, min. Possible values: from 1 to 720;
- installtimeout_linux — timeout for installing Linux family OS, min. Possible values: from 1 to 720;
- installtimeout_windows — timeout for installing Windows OS, min. Possible values: from 1 to 720.
Module operation
Changing service statuses
If a service is in the "Active" status in BILLmanager and the corresponding server is turned off in DCImanager 6, the billing platform will turn it on.
If a service in BILLmanager has the status "Stopped" and in DCImanager 6 the server is turned on, the billing platform will send a request to turn off the server.
Stopping a service
When a service is stopped, DCImanager 6 will shut down the switch ports to which the server is connected. The service will not be stopped if the switch ports are not specified in the server settings.
Deleting a service
When you delete a service, the integration module performs the following actions:
- Enables the switch ports to which the server is connected.
- Turns on the server if it is turned off.
- Stops an operation on the server if it is running.
- Removes IP addresses from the server configuration.
- Deletes the owner of the DCImanager 6 server.
- Runs diagnostics with the disk cleanup option.
- Shuts down the server.
- Turns off the switch ports to which the server is connected.