BILLmanager 6

Service import for processing module

Service import — is a tool with which you can migrate services from a domain name registrar or another BILLmanager instance to your BILLmanager instance. Service import is required to resell services from another service. Once imported, services are added to your BILLmanager, but no additional costs, fees, or tariffs are created. The imported service can be linked to a specific client.

BILLmanager supports import of the following:

  • domains from a domain name registrar. All domains from the client area of the registrar with which integration is set up can be imported;
  • services from another BILLmanager instance:
    • shared hosting;
    • licenses;
    • dedicated servers;
    • virtual servers.

To import services, enter IntegrationProcessing modules:

  1. Select the processing module → click Import → click Upload.
  2. Fill in the form:
    1. Service type "Domains".
    2. Specify the Domains the data for which must be obtained from the registrar. Leave the field blank to import all available domains.
    1. Service type — select the type of services for which you want to get data.
    2. Search condition — specify the condition by which the services to be imported will be selected. Leave the field blank to import all services. To import certain services, enter their full name, comma separated.
    3. Click Ok.
    1. Domain name processing module:
    2. BILLmanager processing module:

    Imported services that are not assigned to clients will not appear in the list of services. To assign a service to a client:

    1. Enter IntegrationProcessing modules → select the processing module → click Import.
    2. Select the service → click Add → fill in the form:
      1. Client — select the client to whom the service will be migrated.
      2. Provider — select the provider from which the tariff will be assigned to the service.
      3. Tariff — select a tariff for the service.
      4. Click Ok.

      If your BILLmanager does not have a suitable tariff for the imported service, the system will warn you about it and offer to configure the tariff plan. You will be redirected to the tariff selection form.