Balance top-up certificate is a code consisting of a combination of letters and numbers created for the client to top up his personal account.
When the certificate is activated, a payment in the amount specified in the certificate will be created and credited to the client's account.
To set up a promotion:
- Set a timeframe and a name for it.
- Set the conditions to determine the range of participants in the promotion
- Generate certificate codes.
How to create a balance top-up promotion
You can start a new promotion on the promotions management page. Go to Marketing → Promotions → Create:
- Internal name — specify the promotion name that will be displayed in the list of promotions in the admin interface.
- Name for clients — specify the name of the promotion that will be displayed to clients according to their localization language.
- Provider — the provider launching the promotion.
- Period of validity (start date, end date) — the period of the promotion.
- Type of promotion — providing discounts on services or a top-up certificate.
- Usage limit per client — the number of times the promotion is used per client.
- Invoice number template — the template for generating an account number.
How to set up the conditions of the balance top-up promotion
To configure the promotion conditions, enter Marketing → Promotions → select the promotion → Conditions → Create:
- Condition — the criterion for selecting clients to participate in the promotion. Depending on the selected value, additional settings may be displayed on the form;
- Condition group — a group to which you can add a condition. There can be several groups of conditions. They work as follows: the provider in the promotion uses the condition group "A", which has several conditions. To participate in the promotion, the client only needs to meet any of them. Provider adds the condition group "B" to the promotion. Now to participate in the promotion the client must meet any condition from group "A" and any condition from group "B".
- For example, a hosting provider launches a promotion, which is open to clients with annual expenses of more than 10,000 rubles, or with monthly expenses of more than 1,000 rubles. And the number of paid services must be more than three. The conditions "amount of expenses per year" and "amount of expenses per month" belong to one group of conditions, while "number of services paid" to another.
Read more inPromotion rules.
All users who fulfill the conditions can participate in the promotion. All participants of the promotion get access to promotional discounts.
Certificate generation
To generate certificates, enter Marketing → Promotions → select the promotion → Certificates → Create:
- Certificate — certificate template. When generating more than one certificate code, add "?" characters to the template, which will be replaced by random values.
- Only digits — this will limit the allowed set of random values to numbers.
- Number of promo codes — the number of certificates to be generated.
- Certificate amount type:
- fixed — the amount of the client's personal account top-up is indicated.
- based on the amount of the last payment — Percentage of the amount of the previously credited payment is indicated.
- Amount — amount of funds that will be added to the account balance.
- Usage limit — the time limit for using the certificate.
- Payment validity term — the period of time during which the funds credited by the certificate can be used.
Rules for the use of certificate
To activate the certificate code on the home screen, press Use certificate → enter the code → press Ok:
- the certificate has been activated successfully - the client will receive a message with information about the personal account top-up by the amount of the certificate and with the date by which the payment can be used;
- the certificate has not been activated - a message will be displayed indicating the reason why the certificate code could not be activated.
Creating a payment
Successful certificate activation creates a payment with the following parameters:
- account number — the account template is set in the promotion settings;
- payment purpose — "Use of certificate <certificate code>";
- payer, recipient, payment method — not set;
- payment amount — the amount of the certificate;
- payment status — credited;
- refund prohibited — set;
- comment — <promotion name: certificate code>.
Payment refund
Refunds will be made at the end of the certificate validity period.
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr crontask action=coupon.expired >/dev/null 2>&1
- If the payment has not been spent, the amount will be refunded in full, and the status of the original payment will be set to "Returned".
- If the payment is partially spent, the unspent amount will be refunded and a new payment will be created for the refund.
- If the payment is spent in full, it will remain in the "Credited" status.