BILLmanager 6

Filter groups

You can create and configure filters for tariffs. With these filters, the client can select tariffs for ordering the service.

Adding filters and tags for tariff groups is not available.

How filters work

Filter groups is an entity that aggregates the created filter values.

  • Filter values is the filter to which certain tariffs are connected.

For example, a provider has created a "Hits" filter group in BILLmanager. In the group, the provider created values for the "Super New Releases" and "Super Hits" filters. Certain tariffs have been connected to each value. On the tariff order page, the client selects the proposed filters and will see only those tariffs that have been connected by the provider.

The same tariff can be connected to filter values within one or more groups. The tariff selection page displays those groups and values to which at least one tariff is connected and this tariff is available for ordering.

Filter values can be used as tags. Tags do not participate in filtering for tariff selection, they are displayed on the tariff card as an additional element.

Order in which filter groups are displayed:

  1. Built-in filters: data center, payment periods.
  2. Groups based on the specified sorting. The lower the value, the higher the group in the list.
  3. Groups that do not have the “Sorting” field filled in. They will be sorted among themselves by creation date: the earlier a group is created, the higher its position in the list.
  4. Current tag filter. To configure filters, enter ProductsTariff plans → select a tariff → click Edit Tags. Read more in How to create and configure a tariff plan.

Order in which the values are displayed in the filter group:

  1. Positions considering the value in the “Sorting” field. The lower the value, the higher the filter in the list.
  2. Values that do not have the “Sorting” field filled in. They will be sorted among themselves by creation date: the earlier a value is created, the higher its position in the list.

Order in which tags are displayed on the tariff card:

  1. Values considering the specified sorting in the filter group.
    If the tariff is connected to multiple values in the same filter group:
    • tags will be positioned taking into account the sorting in the filter value;
    • tags will be positioned by creation date if the "Sorting" field is not filled in.
  2. Tags that do not have the "Sorting" field filled in for the filter group. They will be sorted among themselves by creation date: the earlier the filter group is created, the higher the tag's position in the list.

Managing filter groups

To configure a filter group, enter ProductsFilter groups:

  1. Create a filter group. For example, “Disk type”.
    Enter Filter groups and click Add:
    1. Name — specify the name of the filter group. This name will be displayed on the tariff selection page for the service.
    2. Sorting — specify a value for the sort parameter. The lower the value, the higher the position in the list.
    3. Filter display — enabl ethe option to use the values from the group as filters. If the option is disabled, the filter values from the group will be displayed only as tags on the tariff card.
  2. Create the required values in the filter group. For example, “HDD” and “SSD”.
    Select a group and click Values → click Add:
    1. Name — specify the filter name. This name will appear in the filter and as a tag on the tariff card.
    2. Sorting — specify the filter priority. The lower the value, the higher the position in the list.
    3. Tag display — enable the option so that the value is additionally displayed as a tag on the tariff card.
    4. Tag background color — select the background color for the tag to be displayed on the tariff card.
    5. Tag font color — select the text color for the tag to be displayed on the tariff card.
  3. Connect the required tariffs for each value.
    Select the value and click Tariff. Set the values with the buttons Enable and Disable. Statuses:
    • — the tariff is connected to the filter value;
    • — the tariff is not connected to the filter value.